I SWEAR!!! What is it about swearing that - TopicsExpress


I SWEAR!!! What is it about swearing that seems to bother people so much? I mean, you have people who will get absolutely offended and shocked if you utter even a mild curse word when a skill saw takes your arm off! What is WRONG with these people? Well, Im going to tell you exactly whats wrong with them. Its really kinda funny to tell the truth. See, all these people who run around whining about how low-brow and uncouth swearing is are, in fact, being extremely primative and low-brow themselves. Let me explain: You see, the whole concept of bad words comes from two main sources. The first is the ancient belief that words hold power to bless or curse others. It was once a commonly held belief that uttering certain words would bring you, your loved ones, those in your company, etc. good fortune and blessings from God (the gods, goddess, etc). Other words, however, had the opposite power. These words came from the devil (or whatever super-evil diety that was popular in the culture at the time) and held ill-fortune for all who spoke them or heard them. Thus, we have the phrase curse words. Certain words were bad because they would curse you into oblivion. The other source of bad language is from the mixing of various cultures over the ages. As two different cultures mixed, one would become dominant over the other. The subjugated culture had to adapt over time and one of the adaptations made was that the lesser culture took on the language of the dominant culture. As this happened, the words of the lower cultures language became seen as lower class and it became common knowledge that anyone who spoke that way was of low birth, poor breeding, and lesser intelligence. Thus, these words became, over the centuries, our current swear words. So, you think good ol cussing is bad, do you? Well then, why is that? I mean, is it because Im sending demons to eat your children when I use the f-word or because using such a word makes me so beneath you? You see my point? If you can sit there and honestly say that you believe (for WHATEVER REASON) that any specific words are bad then you are admitting to me that you still cling to primative beliefs from the dark ages! Just who do you think you are, telling me that my language is inappropriate simply because YOU cant let go of your stupid little small-minded insignificant beliefs from 5,000 years ago? YOU are the mouth-breathing, low-brow, pathetic caveman, not me! I swear so much because Im about 5,000 years ahead of you on the evolutionary scale - GOT IT?! *I* am the one whos superior in this equation, NOT YOU, you arrogant little half-wit! Look, swearing is simply another form of language and expression, thats all. Its not a lesser form of communication, just a different mode of speech! Why is it so bad that something is different? Lets do a little experiment, shall we. Im going to make up a new swear word. Lets make it, rhicog (because thats what I came up with when I hit random letters on my keyboard and then added vowels, lol). Oh, but wait, I think I need another one. Ok, lets also create guewf (just random letters that time). Now, why dont you shut the rhicog up, you stupid guewf! That sounded pretty silly, didnt it? Sure it did, but why? All I did was assign a negative connotation to words that would otherwise be perfectly benign. Rhicog and guewf became bad words because I made them bad in my own mind and you came along for the ride! Thats EXACTLY how every profane word or phrase came to be naughty. People just decided that they were bad and spread the word! Now what if I get really big and popular like Maddox one day (I shudder at the thought.... dont you people dare do that to me). People would read this rant and start using those words as cuss words just to be funny. But then, theyd catch on. Theyd become part of everyday net-speak and eventually part of everyday speech. A few millenia from now, nobody will even remember where those words came from, but you can bet that the FCC will be fining TV and radio stations for saying rhicog and guewf on the air! You dont think it could happen? Then I challenge you to start using those two words in real life in the same way youd use real cuss words. Rhicog is pronounced ree-cog and guewf is pronounced guhf. Theyre pronounced like this because I made them up, so I say how theyre pronounced. Deal with it. Now, start using these words at your school, at work, with friends, etc. and watch it catch on. People will laugh and think its silly at first, but people WILL join in soon because theyre mindless little sheep who latch onto absolutely anything new and original. It wont take long... All you have to do is tell a teacher guewf you! and youll get sent to the office. Id almost be willing to bet money that in less than a year or two, some kid will get punished for using these made-up words. Theyll say even if its made up, it still carries the same thoughts and conotation as a real cuss word. Once this happens, it IS a real cuss word. Try it, youll see. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how a cuss word is born! A really great example is the word frack. On Sci-Fis rendition of Battlestar Gallactica, the characters use that made-up term in place of the f-word. You get phrases like frack you and go frack yourself and frack off etc. The word frack is now seeing a lot of popularity on the Internet thanks to BSG fans and its been picked up by a lot of people whove never even seen BSG. Ive seen a few message board who dont allow swearing thatve already banned the word frack because its the same as that other F word. The term frack is already following the predictable pattern I outlined above. If the show increases in popularity (or at least holds its own), that word will just continue to grow until it becomes part of the real world. I hope youve enjoyed todays lesson, Surprise, Youre a Cro-Magnon! Just to address the one final myth about swearing, Id like to point out to anyone who hasnt noticed that I have not used even one single bad word in this entire rant (unless you count frack or the 2 I made up). Oh, Im sorry, did I just shoot down your stupid little idea that I swear so much because I cant express myself otherwise? What a shame..... I swear so much because THATS JUST HOW I TALK!!! I dont NEED to cuss to express myself; I LIKE TO! Its fun, expressive, and it gives me a wider range of expressive vocabulary than you have (since I have a massive array of non-profane words at my disposal as well). Youre the one missing out, so dont be hatin on me, ya rhicog!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:47:55 +0000

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