I See Things Others Can Not See – Episode - TopicsExpress


I See Things Others Can Not See – Episode 15 ****************** “Hello young man,” the psychiatrist said, looking kindly at me. I gave him one of my most winning smiles. I needed to be as friendly as possible if I was going to pull this one off. I took one look at him at it was awesome. I thought I could see into other people before, but now it was like looking with super vision. I saw everything, every little detail about the doctor was made known to me. Is this how I used to see when I was little? No wonder I had run into so much trouble then. I knew his name, the day he was born, his worst fear, his greatest accomplishments. Every little hidden secret was an open book to me. And I read him. And I marvelled at this gift. “So,” he said. “My name is-” “Dr Paul O-, yes I know” I replied. The psychiatrist looked a little startled at first, then he looked at his name tag on his desk and smiled. “Very observant of you” he said, “I didn’t read your name tag” I replied. “Of course you didn’t” the doctor responded condescendingly. “A voice must have told you, right?” I noted his sarcasm and resisted the urge to get angry. He was still viewing me as a patient. I needed to be calm to convince him otherwise. He noticed my silence and opened up my case note and started writing. I tried not to look curious as he scribbled down whatever he thought was wrong with me. Finally he spoke: “How long have you been smoking Indian hemp?” “I have never smoked Indian hemp in my life.” “Oh come now,” he said, “I can’t help you unless you tell me the truth.” I turned back and saw the two nurses at alert behind me. “Well, a little privacy would be nice,” I said pointedly. He hesitated for a moment then asked both nurses out of the office. The female nurse objected, looking very concerned but he allayed her fears. “I don’t think our friend is going to be violent, nurse. He just wants a little privacy so he can tell me what I need to know without feeling shy, abi my friend?” He said smiling at me. I nodded and she reluctantly left with the male nurse. They shut the door but I could still feel thier presence. They hadn’t gone far. The doctor was looking at me, observing my every move. I was sure there was some kind of alarm button below his desk, if I misbehaved, those two would be back in the office in seconds. “Now then,” he said genially. “We are alone. So tell me when you started using Indian hemp. “I have never smoked Indian hemp in my life.” I repeated. He gave me a look like a headmaster who had caught one of his students doing something naughty, calmly took up my case note and read where they had found Indian hemp in my apartment. “And did you see the hemp sir? I asked innocently. The doctor admited that no, he hadn’t. I asked if anyone else had seen the said wraps of hemp for which he answered on the negative but said it was probably with the police who had accompanied the good Samaritan to my room. “I am sorry, doctor, but I am aware that when the police bring a case like this to your hospital, they usually leave thier number so they can be contacted in case of any eventuality.” I said. “Do you have any such information?” I saw a puzzled look come across the doctor’s face as he searched through my case note. Obviously he hadn’t bothered to look for any of these things and had simply begun seeing me based on the word of the “good samaritan” that had brought me in. And if he had met me in my “psychotic” state he would never had taken a second look at the supposed information given, as my case would have been typical in presentation to the tens of cases he saw like this everyday. Even if my parents who had travelled all the way from my hometown had vouched for me, my irrational talk and violent behaviour would have still convinced the doctor that I had been involved in some form of substance use. It was clear that my logical thinking was causing the doctor some concern and doubt. “Listen, Mr chuks,” the doctor said. “I don’t know why I can’t get any information regarding the whereabouts of your cannabis, but its probably an oversight from our staff. however, it also says here that you were having auditory and visual hallucinations which is typical of this condition. Now tell me, do you hear voices or see things that other people in the room do not see?” Here was my cue. Now was the moment of truth. I could either try and feign ignorance and hope he would discharge me based on my miraculous recovery, or I could let him in on what really happened and hope he wasn’t somehow on Mr A-‘s payroll. I didn’t have to think so much though, the next thing he said made up my mind for me”. “You might as well tell me the truth because either way I’m still going to keep you here even if its for observation.” And he started scribbling something else on my case note. “How is Bisi doing?” I said. “Are you planning on calling her later?” The room became deathly silent. It was as if i had shot him with a stun gun, as if a massive amount of electricity had gone through his body. He just sat there, his mouth open, his fingers still moving the pen but writing nothing. I didn’t wait for him to respond. “She’s definitely not the girl for you, if you don’t mind my saying so. Someone who would argue with you and keep malice for four days just because you came a few minutes late for a lunch appointment isn’t going to be anymore understanding if and when you do get married.” The doctor was finally able to find his voice though his fingers were still twitching spasmodically. “How…how did you…but…” “Okay sir, here’s the thing.” I said. “Yes I do see things sometimes that other people don’t see but that doesn’t make me crazy, just different. And I don’t talk about it unless I feel it will be of help to the person, just as I feel I have helped you out of making the biggest mistake of your life. I don’t smoke Indian hemp, never have and hopefully nevrr will. I was framed and its a very long story, one that maybe one day I’ll write into a book and publish, but not one I have the time to tell right now. Right now I have to leave this hospital as soon as possible. I’ll do any test you want me to do to prove my sanity but I don’t have the time because I strongly feel the girl of my dreams is about to make a very grave mistake and I have to be there to stop her. And oh yes, the woman whose fender you hit today only let you off because she saw your car had sustained more damage than hers.” The look on the doctor’s face was priceless. He seemed like he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. For a man who believed strongly in logic I had just blown his beliefs out of the water. He looked at me for a while and I wondered what he was going to say, what he was going to do. “So…Bisi is not my soulmate?” He asked. “I’m sorry, no.” I said. “Marry her and you’ll be struggling the rest of your life. All that glitters isn’t gold, my friend.” He smiled sadly at that last statement and I saw tears come to his eyes. Suddenly he scribbled some more into my case note and signed off then turned it towards me so I could read. The last line went: CASE OF DELIRIUM. NO USAGE OF CANNABIS. PATIENT DISCHARGED HOME. I heaved a sigh of relief and thanked him. ‘No, thank you,” he said. “I haven’t felt so good in four days. You are free to go. I would like to have your number though, if you don’t mind.” I gave it to him and started to leave the office. I opened the door and saw the two nurses sitting on a bench outside. The female nurse jumped up on seeing me and I smiled at her. I turned back and said to the doctor who was still sitting dazed in his chair. “You two make a good team. Imagine drinking that well brewed coffee for the rest of your life. Open your eyes, man!” Then I smiled again and gave way for the female nurse who promptly came into the office and asked if the doctor was alright. The doctor looked at her and I saw that he had made the connection. “I’m fine Nurse Betty,” He said. “The patient has been discharged. Let him go home.” ****************** Watchout for Episode 16
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 09:00:01 +0000

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