“I Speak for No One” I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all the - TopicsExpress


“I Speak for No One” I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all the Ancient Afrikans of Kemet- the original name that was changed by the Greeks to Egypt- who were invaded and murdered in mass numbers, over the course of centuries by: the Hyksos, the Assyrians, the Libyans, the Persians, the Turks, the Greeks, the Romans, the Spanish, the Portuguese, the French, the British and the Arabs-all of whom desecrated and plagiarised Kemetic Temples, Royal tombs, and robbed from these Afrikan Sanctuaries Priceless Artifacts and sacred texts that now sit in European Museums, “Prestigious” University basements, and the private homes of the rich throughout the world. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all of the Afrikans who were enslaved, shackled, made to march miles and miles over the Sahara by the Arabs who committed this atrocity for a period of approximately 1,300 years. According to some research, over 50 to 80 million Afrikans were murdered during this Arab enslavement. The survivors of this savage devastation were forced onto slave ships by these same Arabs and exported over the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea to parts of Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of the Afrikans in West Afrika who were terrorized and kidnapped by the Europeans and enslaved in the dungeons of El Mina, Cape Coast, and in the hell-holes of dungeons in Senegal. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of Afrikan men in those dungeons who refused to submit and were put three to four in a cell and were left there for all of the other enslaved Afrikans to see them die a slow and painful death. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of Afrikan women who were put 200, 300 and sometimes more in a stone room no bigger than small auditorium where they had to fight each other to get air that came only through a hole in the rock cell no bigger than the size of a soccer ball. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of Afrikan women who were selected by the white commander of the dungeon to be raped repeatedly and sometimes left to die in their own blood. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of Afrikan men and women who survived the dark, cold dungeons only to face being forced through THE DOOR OF NO RETURN and onto waiting ships that would transport them to places of grief and agony beyond their own Afrikan comprehension. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of Afrikans who were shackled to the bowels of stink ships where they had to ride next to their dead uncle, dead brother, dead sister, or dead mother on the long journey to lands where incomprehensible anguish awaited. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of captive Afrikan women aboard those ships who felt compelled to murder their own beautiful babies so these infants would never know or experience the nightmare of enslavement. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of captive Afrikan men who tore off their own legs from the shackles to dive overboard from those stinking vessels and who would rather face death in the jaws of man-eating sharks than remain enslaved. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for those millions of Afrikan men, women and children who suffered THE MIDDLE PASSAGE and whose bones are in the watery burial ground called the Atlantic Ocean- better known to those who know their history as THE AFRIKAN OCEAN because it overflows with the blood and life force of over 100 MILLION AFRIKANS. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of Afrikans who landed in the Caribbean Islands where they under went THE SLAVE MAKING PROCESS of further de-humanization and the breaking of their arms, legs and AFRIKAN SPIRITS in preparation for the long and hard work and burdens they were to bear. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the millions of the Indigenous of the Americas who were savagely brutalized, tortured, raped, secretly given smallpox in blankets, and murdered, simply for opening their hearts, minds and arms to white strangers coming off a long and weary journey. Impact of Christopher Columbus, as written by Father Bartomole De Las Casas in his book, “The Disruption of the Indies, highlighted that, directly or indirectly, Columbus was responsible for the deaths of between 12 to 25 MILLION indigenous. The population of the indigenous was reduced from 100 MILLION to 25 MILLION, according to T. Browder, Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all those Afrikans who arrived in North America bewildered, brutalized, weak, robbed of their culture, language, religions, families, cosmologies and longing for their own homeland. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all the Haitians who soaked the earth with their own blood in war by giving their lives to defeat Napoleon, who led the mightiest army of that time. I speak for Toussaint and Dessailines, the leaders of the Haitians who never gave up their struggle for Freedom and Independence. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for Harriet Tubman, who made 19 trips to free enslaved Afrikans, forcing some, as she said, “to be Free or Die” In her moments of contemplation, she was overheard saying, “ I freed hundreds of slaves, and would have freed hundreds more, if only they knew they were slaves”. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for Fredrick Douglass, and all the Black people who begged and petitioned the American Government to intercede to stop white people from the wanton beatings, murdering, lynching, raping and terrorizing of Black men, Black women and Black children-the government did nothing-the deaths continued. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for all of the thousands upon thousands of the enslaved Afrikans who were set “free” by the emancipation proclamation but given absolutely nothing by their former slave masters: no food, only the clothes on their backs, and no way to get away. I speak for no one, EXCEPT for the thousands of newly “freed” enslaved Afrikans who were arrested on masses as immigrants, panhandlers, and bums; then hired out to corporations and chain gangs to be forced to work for free, again, and these men literally worked themselves to death. Hotep!!!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 12:22:14 +0000

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