I Still Believe! 13 I would have lost heart, unless I had - TopicsExpress


I Still Believe! 13 I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! Psalm 27:12-14 We live in a time where our belief in our Creator is more critical than ever. All around us Satan has his posy out to get us. He has his followers stationed on every corner. A recent Sunday School topic for the children was “Love Your Haters.” I had to ask my class of 7-11 years old if they really understood what that meant. I was amazed at their answers. Even though they encounter haters every day at school and on the buses or bus stop, they had a good perception of what haters are. We are teaching them today that they are called bullies when in reality they are our haters. Haters will hate you for no reason. Many times you can ask a hater why the hate some someone and they will tell you, “I really don’t know; it’s just something about them that I don’t like.” People of God, they are haters! I don’t care what you call them! Anytime someone will hate you for no reason they are a friend of the enemy. You see the world teaches to just discard someone, rather than to get to know them, to know what makes them peculiar or different. It says just write them off! I still believe that God will make our enemies our footstool as He said in His Word! 1The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” 2 The Lord shall send the rod of your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of your enemies, Psalm 110:1-2. His Word is true. But in order for that to happen, there is a prerequisite. They have to first become our enemies. That tells me that we will have to go through some false accusations, persecutions, slander, abuse, belittling and maybe even some bullying. When we go through those things for the sake of Christ, He will make them our footstools. How long will it take; when will it happen? That we do not know! But, what we do know is, if we believe His Word it will happen. Not only will He make our enemies our footstool, but He will also make us rulers over them. 27 “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, Luke 6:27. Now, when that happens how are we supposed to handle that? Too many times we don’t handle it in a way that represents Christ. He expects us to treat them as we would want to be treated. To be more specific, He wants us to treat them like He would. You see, some of us right now proclaim to be Christians and treat people as the world does. We find it very hard to even give a kind word of encouragement. Instead we would rather beat them down or make mockery of them. Even though they may not walk in the character of God, He expects us to. That is not what God is calling us to do. He is calling us to turn the other cheek; He is calling us to be the bigger person. God is a Miracle Worker; so He can do anything but fail. If He says it, we can take it to the bank. No matter how hard it gets, I can’t have a faint heart. I must wait to see the goodness of the Lord. He said there is goodness coming if I believe and wait. I don’t have to wait till I reach heaven to see His goodness; He has promised me some goodness on this side. So why would I not wait if I believe? He also said He will strengthen my heart. Ok, that tells me that in this waiting there will be some weak moments. But in those weak moments He will give me strength. He will build me up when I become weak. On this journey we will have lots of weak moments. But, He has promised that He will not leave me; instead He will give me the strength to endure. Wait on the Lord is a command. If He gives us a command that means there is a reward contingent on us obeying the command. I know firsthand it is hard to believe sometimes. Things all around you may look one way; people may say something based on their natural instinct, or what is before you may tend to convince you differently from what the Word says. But, in spite of all that, we still have to believe! Belief is just as much a choice as choosing to accept Him as one’s personal Savior. So no matter how hard this journey becomes for you, chose to believe; don’t grow faint or weary in your well doing. Chose to wait on Him and He will strengthen you in your time of need. Continue to Reverence Him while you wait! Making Him the priority of your life gives hope during the wait!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:33:21 +0000

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