I. THE PAST HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD. 1. They had lost - TopicsExpress


I. THE PAST HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD. 1. They had lost eternal life. Every one fell in Adam. 2. They could not have obtained life except by its being given. God never works an unnecessary miracle. If the soul could save itself God would let it do what it could. 3. Eternal life is not secured by merit. That which is given is unmerited. Man merits nothing but death; life is Gods free gift. 4. Those who now have it would have perished but for Christ. Sin made all men heirs of wrath. 5. Gods people have many enemies who would pluck them out of His hand. They were once in the hand of the enemy. II. THEIR PRESENT STATE. Notice here — 1. A gift received — life. Distinguish between existence and life. Existence may be a curse. This life is — (1) Spiritual; as distinguished from the existence of a stone, and from vegetable, animal, and intellectual life. (2) Mysterious. You who have mental life cannot explain to a horse what it is, neither can one explain spiritual life to those who have it not. (3) Divine. We are made partakers of the Divine nature. (4) Heavenly in its nature, origin and end. (5) Energetic. It is the spring of all activity. (6) Eternal. (7) Free. 2. Preservation secured. (1) They shall never perish. Some of their notions, comforts, and experiences may, but they never shall. (2) They shall never perish. The life in them shall not be starved, beaten, or driven out. (3) Never? position guaranteed — in Christs land.A place of — (1) Honour. We are the jewel He wears on His finger. (2) Love. I have graven thee on the palms of my hands. (3) Power. Christs hand encloses all His people. (4) Property. The saints are in my hand. (5) Protection. (6) Use. III. THEIR OUTLOOK INTO THE FUTURE. Eternal life comprehends all the future. Your spiritual existence will flourish when empires decay, when the heart of this world shall grow cold, when the pulse of the sea shall cease to beat, and the suns bright eye grow dim with age. When, like a moments foam which melts into the wave that bears it the whole universe shall have gone, it shall be well with you. -Spurgeon
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 23:08:46 +0000

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