I THOUGHT I WOULD SHARE THE FOLLOWING LETTER (WRITTEN BY A FRIEND OF MINE) WITH YOU ALL AND I ASK YOU TO SHARE IT. An open letter to the Sitting Prime Minister. While I write this letter to the current Prime Minister, it could be addressed to any of the past Prime Ministers or Future ones to follow. Trinidad & Tobago today is a mess of corruption, crime, mismanagement and altogether lawlessness, it was not always like this. There was a time when the people of Trinidad & Tobago treated each other with respect, there was no African or Indian, we were all Trinidadians. The polarization started with the PNM and Dr. Eric Williams and continued to be perpetrated throughout the years. Rather than go back over all the wastage of funds that have gone down the drain while the people of Trinidad & Tobago still live in poverty, we must ask, how did we arrive here and can we reverse this. Myself being close to 50 can remember a good time in Trinidad & Tobago when it was safe to walk the streets, to go moon lighting on the beach and to walk around the savannah at night. When children said good morning to everyone and addressed elders as auntie and uncle regardless of who you were. What I can tell you is that I along with many of my classmates have migrated to other countries and are able to watch as an outside observer. Having returned to Trinidad recently I was appalled at the condition of the country and realized that everyone is for them self and not interested in the country as a whole. Simple things such as littering, obeying basic laws, improper parking, urinating on the side of the road are basic things that someone who loves their country would not do. You do not need the police to stop you from this. First and foremost, to clean up the country it must start with you. Just because other people are breaking laws does not justify you doing it too. Secondly, I was able to run into some of my old college school mates, all of who still reside here, many of who did not have the finances to or ability to do better. They struggled in school and did poorly at exams, not necessarily their fault but that is how they were. However I was surprised that they we now all police men and protective services personelle. In other words the people most prone to wrong doing or bribery were put in position where they had to administer the law. Good Luck. Finally I met some of my old friends from differing parts of the country and they seemed to be doing well. Although they did not complete high school or have any inheritance they all had large homes, luxury cars and wore jewelry extravagantly. After spending some time with them and overhearing their conversations and observing they people they associated with, some governmental people, it was obvious that their money was not obtained honestly. In a country where a mans class seems to be judged by the size of his car and how big “his gold” is. It is no wonder the country is in a state. Some of these same people would throw out thousands of dollars to impress friends but if a beggar asked for a dollar, they would chase them away saying “ah have non”. These are all things that has this country the way it is. Can it be fixed, the answer is yes, It was done in countries which were in much worse shape and now are literally a paradise to live. The medicine however is, as is always the case, hard to take. We need a leader with the gall to do it. Jack Warner may be the man. He must win the general election with a special majority in parliament or even all 41 seats and then he must declare a “State of Emergency” execute martial law so the Army now has the power of arrest and search and seizure without the courts or a warrant. Grab all those that are suspected, and I say suspected and deal with them. Some innocent may get pulled in with the guilty but that is the price we must pay for betterment. People must again be taught to fear law enforcement. Especially many of the politicians who have become millionaires on hard working tax payers back. Jack Warner is the man to do this because he is not depending on funding from anyone so can’t be controlled by big business. While I suspect this is what he will do, I hope he does. Trinidad will be in a state of Emergency for maybe 10 years with Jack at the helm but in the end we will come out a better, safer, cleaner and more respectful and happy country. The alternative is to continue as we are going and end up in the dismal abyss! Concerned T&T Citizen ABROAD.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 06:33:58 +0000

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