I.The Power of Thought Change your thoughts, change your - TopicsExpress


I.The Power of Thought Change your thoughts, change your life ---------------- Book# 2: NLP The New Technology of Achievement Authors: Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner “1994” --------------------------------------- NLP: Neuro Linguistic Linguistic “You’d be surprised at the inner images people try to use to motivate themselves. In their mind’s eye, they see tiny, dark slides of their work being done, or a fuzzy, black-and-white picture of the reward for completing a project. No wonder they’re not motivated. Now, you can make a rich and compelling picture of what you want and what you value. The bigger, richer, more colorful, more three-dimensional and clear, the better.” A new technology of achievement: --------------------------- Essentially, NLP is about changing the way you think about thinking. “Neuro” refers to the nervous system and the mental pathways of the five senses. “Linguistic” refers to language and the use of words, phrases, body language, and habits to reflect our mental worlds. “Programming” is borrowed from computer science. Add them together and you get a technology that reveals thoughts, feelings, and actions to be habitual programs open to manipulation. ************************************ NLP principles ------- The following are the “presuppositions” or principles underpinning NLP: 1. The map is not the territory. We do not respond to the world as it is, we act in accordance with our own mental map of it. We have a much better chance of getting what we want if our map is continually revised to take account of the territory. Doing this is much better than trying to bend the world to fit your map. 2. Experience has a structure. We all have patterns or structures in the way we think. By changing these, we literally change our experience, including how we think about past events. 3. If one person can do something, anyone can learn to do it. We can model the thinking and behavior of people who are already successful in order to achieve similar results. 4. The mind and body are parts of the same system. Our thoughts constantly affect our breathing, muscles, etc., which in turn affect our thinking. Control your thoughts and you control your body. 5. People already have all the resources they need. From our storehouse of memories, thoughts, and sensations we can construct new mental patterning designed to provide the outcomes we want. 6. You cannot not communicate. Everything about you—eye and body movements, vocal tones, habits—is a form of communication. It is not difficult to sense when what a person is saying does not match with who they are. 7. The meaning of your communication is the response you get. People receive information filtered through their mental map of the world. How you communicate must be constantly adjusted so that the message you want to be received is the one that is received. 8. Underlying every behavior is a positive intention. Violence masks a lack of acceptance or fear, and yelling or criticism can express a need to be acknowledged. Look behind what people do to find their positive intent. 9. People are always making the best choices available to them. We make choices based on experience. More and better experiences allow for more choices. 10. If what you’re doing isn’t working, do something else. Do anything else. You’ll only get the same results if you do what you’ve always done. --------------------------------------- NLP: The New Technology of Achievement amplifies these principles, including the following points: ❖ Everyone has a “motivation direction,” either toward pleasure and goals or away from pain. ❖ Know the difference between a job and a mission. A job is usually too small for a person; a mission needs a whole life to make it real. ❖ Change happens in an instant and should be natural and easy. With NLP you do not have to rely on willpower; with knowledge of the technical means, change becomes easy. ❖ NLP’s basic premise is that we can change our minds not simply by having new thoughts, but by changing the way we think. ❖ NLP gets you away from “either/or” thinking. In NLP there is a saying: “If you only have one way to do something, you’re a robot. If you only have two ways to do something, you’re in a dilemma. You need at least three ways to do something before you have the beginning of some real flexibility.” ❖ Everyone has internal voices. Turn them into great encouragers instead of saboteurs. Such methods put you in control of your reactions and thoughts at any moment, and enable you to take criticism and use it constructively. ❖ The brain does not know how to think negatively. If you continually tell yourself “I want to lose weight,” your brain will be impressed with the word “weight” much more than the word “lose.” ❖ You can learn the ability to be confident in an instant, to be more loving, or to “make real” your ambitions before they are acted out in the world. ---------------------------------------------------- Conclusion: “People work perfectly.” Program in new thoughts, actions, and feelings and you get a new life. ---------------------------------------------------------- Reference > Authors: Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner “1994”
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 13:00:44 +0000

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