I UNCONTROLLABLY WEEP OVER THE BOY CHILD FROM CENTRAL KENYA When the British cunningly came to Kenya, they looked for the choice parts of the country. They saw what the Kikuyu people had seen! They coveted, and the greed led them to occupy the very land that was owned by the community. The community decided that they could not take this lying down. They resisted! The British greed could not let them back off! Armed with guns, bombs, aeroplanes, Land rovers, they directed all that might to a community that only had a spear and sword to fight back! One thing I love about these guys is that neither giving in, nor giving up played among the choices that they had! They decided to take on the heavily armed, wealthy and powerful British army! They decided to take an oath of secrecy, and took off to the forest. Aberdare was such a hot battle ground. They braced the cold, dangers of wild animals and dropping bombs from the British fighter aircrafts! One thing they had vowed was to fight to death, and secure their land for their wives and children! Whenever they were shot, they would quickly grab a handful of soil and put it in their mouths, as a sign of their dedication to fight to death, till their last secures their land back! All this while, women had very key roles to play. They were supplying the Mau Mau fighters with food, and also spying for them. More importantly, they were left to manage homes, playing the roles of men and women! After such an intense battle, the resistance bore fruits, when the independence was won! And hurray!!! Men came back home to a free country!!! But, what homes did they come to? 1. Where they were told, nothing is for free!!! They had to buy the very land they fought for! Fair enough! How about their homes? 2. They found their women had adapted to the roles of both father and mother! The man found himself in unfamiliar territory! His ego was pricked. Some of his roles taken over! His struggle unappreciated! My hypothesis is that this became the point at which there was a dislocation of the man in this region! If you look, what is the condition of the boy child from central? Go to any village, what will you find out at the shopping centre? Why is the boy child from central battered by a woman? Why is he stripping a woman in public? What mentorship has been passed on from one generation to the next? This is not a blanket condition applying to every man here, but there is an issue that needs to be addressed, to get back the river into its bank again! Yes, it needs to!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:32:59 +0000

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