I URGE NIGERIANS TO DISREGARD POLITICAL MESSAGES OF Rev Fr. EJIKE MBAKA AND THAT OF OTHER PRAYER APOSTLES WHO COMMEND POLITICIANS THIS SECOND AND CONDEMN THEM THE NEXT SECOND. IN THE SAME VEIN,I URGE ALL AND SUNDRY TO PRAY FOR THESE RELIGIOUS LEADERS ESPECIALLY OUR CATHOLIC PRIEST Rev Fr. EJIKE MBAKA.this is a link where Fr Mbaka CAMPAIGNED for JONNATHAN https://youtube/watch?v=jAN8Py7tiCo AND here is another link where he contradicts his CAMPAIGN for jonathan on the same issue. THIS IS SIGN OF END Time.EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT ALL REGIMES IN NIGERIA INCLUDING THAT OF GEJ ARE CORRUPT. A president may be good,but the wolves in his cabinet will not allow him to perform.THIS SAME Fr MBAKA DECEIVED ALL CATHOLICS IN IMO STATE BY FALSELY ACCUSING OUR GOVERNOR,OHAKIM IKEDI OF BEATING AND FLOGGING A CATHOLIC PRIEST AND URGED ALL CATHOLICS TO CAMPAIGN AND VOTE AGAINST OHAKIM. CONSEQUENTLY,ALL CATHOLICS FROM IMO ENCLAVE AND BEYOND CAMPAIGNED AGGRESSIVELY AND VOTED AGAINST GOVERNOR OHAKIM ON THE GROUND and ON BELIEF THAT HOLY SPIRIT REVEALED to our Fr.Mbaka that governor Ohakim actually beat a catholic priest.THIS SAME Fr.MBAKA TOLD ALL CATHOLICS AGAIN after Ohakim lost election to Rochas Okorocha THAT OHAKIM DID NOT BEAT OR FLOG ANY PRIEST,re-urging us to disregard the accusation and that it was a mere speculation.here is the link https://youtube/watch?v=3tO3l1NUyC0 Do you see how people are being manipulated and misled by religious leaders? We so much believe in our religious leaders and most of us see them as second God,but unfortunately some/most of them deceive us.CATHOLICS,INCLUDING MYSELF RESPECT AND BELIEVE IN Fr MBAKA SO MUCH,WE THOUGHT HE,MBAKA HAD HOLY SPIRIT`S APPROVAL TO ACCUSE OHAKIM. MBAKA COULD HAVE SOUGHT THE DIRECTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO KNOW THE TRUTH BEFORE ACCUSING OHAKIM. MBAKA`S ACCUSATION WAS BASED ON GOSSIPS AND HEARSAY. He MBAKA KNOWS THIS,YOU CAN CALL HIM TO VERIFY AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEOS.. please,play the above links to judge by yourself. FOR PEOPLE WHO DO NOT UNDERSTAND IGBO LANGUAGE,PLEASE TELL YOUR IGBO FRIENDS TO INTERPRET THE PARTS OF THE VIDEOS HE SAID IN IGBO. IF YOU CHEAT ME ONES,SHAME UNTO YOU THAT CHEATED ME,BUT IF YOU CHEAT ME TWICE SHAME UNTO ME THAT ALLOW MYSELF TO BE CHEATED TWICE. I AM A CATHOLIC FROM BIRTH, BUT WILL NEVER BE A VICTIM OF Fr MBAKA`S POLITICAL MESSAGES AGAIN.Though,I was not a victim in it`s complete sense/dimension. Don`t let anybody or force manipulate you twice.In fact,preclude the first attempt if you can. History will never forgive me if I did not post this to enlighten and conscientize Well-Meaning-Nigerians.I Cannot sweep this truth under the carpet because I`m a catholic,NO NO NO.I WAS IN NIGERIA WHEN MOST OF THESE THINGS HAPPENED.I hereby publicly apologize to Ohakim on behalf of Imo indigenes and all catholics who accused him falsely,even though he,Ohakim did not perform well in Imo State. I HAVE ALWAYS SAID THAT THE PROBLEM WE HAVE IN NIGERIA IS NOT POLITICIANS,BUT OUR RELIGIOUS LEADERS WHO SUPPOSED TO BE THE MOUTH OF THE MASSES.WELL-MEANING-NIGERIANS,if you are not respected and celebrated as a rich person by your people,your wealth is meaningless.It is people especially venerated ones such as Reverend Fathers,Sisters,Pastors and other prayer apostles that add value to achievements of all these our greedy and merciless politicians. IF RELIGIOUS LEADERS CAN STOP CELEBRATING ALL THESE MERCILESS BLOOD SUCKING POLITICIANS,THEY WILL NOT SEE REASONS TO SIPHON PUBLIC TREASURY TO PERSONAL POCKETS. THESE POLITICIANS BUILD CHURCHES,PAY TITHES WITH THESE ILL-GOTTEN AND STOLEN PUBLIC TREASURY TO GAIN THE SUPPORT OF RELIGIOUS LEADERS,KNOWING FULLY WELL THAT ONCE THE SHEPHERD IS CAPTURED HIS SHEEP WILL BE CAPTURED EASILY. When these politicians attend sunday masses or services,they are given sermons to read,they are given special seats,they are celebrated more than Jesus Christ.God forbid.MOST OF OUR RELIGIOUS LEADERS EAT AND DINE WITH THESE POLITICIANS,ATTEND THEIR KIDS NAMING CEREMONIES,COLLECT MONEY FROM THEM WHILE THEIR FOLLOWERS LANGUISH IN PENURY..How many religious leaders can boldly confront all these politicians when they attend these masses or services.IMAGINE Fr MBAKA PRAISING GEJ`s GOVERNMENT before his wife Patience and when she (Patience) left he (MBAKA) started saying things contrary to his initial campaign. WHY WON`T THEY CONTINUE IN THEIR EVIL WAYS.LET ME REMIND ALL RELIGIOUS LEADERS OF JAMES 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.I`M ALSO REMINDING GEJ and his CABINETS AND GMB and co And ALL OTHER POLITICIANS and FUTURE POLITICIANS THAT A time is coming when the Lord will punish the powers above and the rulers of the earth. 22 God will crowd kings together like prisoners in a pit. He will shut them in prison until the time of their punishment comes. 23 The moon will grow dark, and the sun will no longer shine, for the Lord Almighty will be king. He will rule in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, and the leaders of the people will see his glory(ISAIAH 24:21-23)... I ALSO WISH TO WARN and refer ANY HUMAN OR SPIRIT WHO WILL ATTACK ME BECAUSE OF THIS ARTICLE TO DEUTERONOMY 28:7 WHICH HAS ASSURED ME THAT The Lord will defeat my enemies when they attack me. They will attack from one direction, but they will run from me in all directions. I ALSO ASSURE our mother land NIGERIA,BY REFERRING HER TO ISAIAH 49:17 THAT Those who will rebuild you are coming soon, and those who destroyed you will leave.IT MIGHT BE GEJ or GMB or ANOTHER ENTITY,but from my honest and unbiased point of view,the two presidentiAl candidates are not credible.I witnessed buhari`s military regime and jonathan`s regime is ongoing,so I can say alot about the two regimes.THE TWO CONTESTANTS ARE LIKE TWO MACHETES IN THE PALACE,THE ONE THAT HAS HEAD IS NOT SHARP AND THE ONE THAT IS SHARP DOES NOT HAVE HEAD. NIGERIA HAS ALWAYS HAD DICTATORS AND NOT PRESIDENTS/LEADERS. THEY HAVE BEEN CORRUPT LEADERS WHO AMASS PUBLIC FUNDS.Nigeria presidential candidates have always been comparable to an Igbo proverb which says Tying a rope to a goat and tying a goat to a rope are the same. Although our votes have never counted,poor masses across the nation have always voted based on ethnic and religious lines.ONLY THIS ESTABLISHED FACT HAS SUBSTANTIATED A PROMINENT PROPOSITION THAT NIGERIA IS A FORCED MARRIAGE. I believe that those who will rebuild Nigeria will soon come,either as a federated state or as a confederated state or either as an integrated nation or as a disintegrated nation,let God`s will prevail and not mine. NIGERIA IS BAD NOT BECAUSE OF THE EVIL THE POLITICIANS DO,BUT BECAUSE OF SILENCE OF THE WELL-MEANING NIGERIANS,,,SO,I`M CALLING ON ALL THESE WELL-MEANING NIGERIANS TO STAND FIRM TO THWART THE BAD INFLUENCE OF OUR RELIGIOUS LEADERS AND POLITICIANS WHO ARE UNDER MANIPULATION or WHO HAVE DERAILED FROM THEIR DIVINE CALL....Thank you all....
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:25:22 +0000

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