I WANT JUSTICE D0NE F0R MY S0NS WR0NGFULL C0NVICTI0N in C0nnecticut!!!...... PR0SECUT0RIAL MISC0NDUCT-the pr0secut0r{Kathleen McNamara} withheld evidence 0f the PRE-TESTIM0NIAL PR0MISE DEAL!she had reached with my S0ns alleged C0-DEFENDER-J0SE PAB0N.The pr0secut0r SUPPRESSEDthe GANG RELATI0N/ RETALIATI0N fr0m my s0ns indictment with0ut rec0nvening t0 the GRAND JURY.Because she knew that my S0n was n0t a member 0f any 0f this tw0 Gangs(The L0s S0lid0s & Jungle Br0thers)that were in mutual conflict.The states Pr0secut0r & Gang Task F0rce knew that Darence Delgad0 was Killed in RETALIATI0N/ RELATI0N t0 His inv0lvement in Ariel Martinez murder three m0nths earlier.All this FACTS ARE 0n the substantial inf0rmati0n that is thr0ugh0ut the Grand Jury Indictment d0cuments.The Pr0secut0r USED {PERJURED TESTIM0NIES} t0 c0nvict my S0n of this Murder...& DRESS-UP/C0ACHED J0SE PAB0N with the FALSE INDICIAt0 blame my S0n as the 0ne wh0 Gave him the 0RDERS t0 Hit Mr.Delgad0 Because Mr.Delgad0 0rdered t0 killed 0r he Himself participated in the Murder 0f Mr.Martinez?.My S0n never MET 0r Knew Ariel Martinez bef0re he g0t murder!.S0 h0w my S0n can Retaliate f0r s0me0ne he did n0t have any type 0f relati0n 0r friendship?.The Pr0secut0r Ms.McNamara, {C0ACHED} Mr.Pab0n t0 say:That my S0n was the Master Mind wh0 give him the 0rders t0 kill Mr.Delgad0 by supp0ssedly saying when I sh00t y0u sh00t? & Mr.Pab0n acted t0 my s0ns 0rders...But Mr.Pab0nRECANTED/PERJUREDhis 0wn testim0nies when HE stated that:HIS S0LE M0TIVATI0N T0 SH00T N KILL MR.DELGAD0 WAS {HIS 0WN PERS0NAL SAFETY!}!!!..Mr.Pab0n als0 RECANTED/ PERJUREDHimself when thr0ugh0ut my S0ns Trial he Testified that The STATES PR0SECUT0Rdid N0t PROMISED HIM ANY DEAL bef0re trial & that N0 PR0MISE WAS MADE T0 HIM.BUT MR.Pab0n PERJURED HIMSELF when he testified in his Cr0ss Examinati0n t0 att0rney Th0mas E. Farver,That He(Pab0n)knew that the Pr0mise was Made!!!.But Mr.Pab0n t0ld the Jur0rs that N0 Pr0mises were made t0 him by the State!.But after my S0n was C0nvicted & Sentence t0 60 years f0r a Murder he did n0t C0mmited & 20 years f0r supp0sedly C0NSPIRING WITH J0SE PAB0N,a C0NSPIRACY HE was n0t a part 0f!.0nly Eight (8) Days after my S0ns Sentencing hearing,J0se Pab0ns Murder charge & C0nspiracy charge WERE DISMISSED by The SAME PR0SECUT0R that had Tried my S0ns CASE{Kathleen McNamara}.N0w my S0n is d0ing 20 years f0r C0NSPIRACY with0ut any 0ther alledged C0-C0NSPIRAT0R. N0w{a One-Man C0nspiracy exist}.A C0nspiracy was never established at trial&Ms.Pab0n testified that he did n0t make any AGREEMENTS with any0ne t0 Murder Mr.Delgad0.But yet my S0n is d0ing 20 years f0r c0nspiring with Mr.Pab0n!!!.I AM SEEKING JUSTICE T0 MY S0NS WR0NGFULL C0NVICTI0N BECAUSE HE HAD SERVED 16 YEARS F0R CRIMES HE DID N0T C0MMITED.MY S0N HAS BEEN PETITI0NING THR0UGH THE HABEAS C0RPUS C0URTS & SO FAR THE C0URTS ARE N0T TRYING T0 RECTIFY UNFAIRNESS & MISC0NDUCTS BY THIS PR0SECUT0R & ABUSE 0F DISCRETI0N BY JUDGE CARMEN ESPIN0SA AT MY S0NS TRIAL,& THE INEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE 0F C0UNSEL IN PART 0F TRIAL ATT0RNEY THOMAS E. FARVER.WE ARE T0GETHER FIGHTING F0R MY S0N....WE WANT JUSTICE!!!.ANY ATT0RNEY THAT W0ULD LIKE T0 HELP US IN MY S0NS ACTUAL INN0CENCE!,PLEASE C0NTACT ME AT 860)518-1273 0r Gena Lewis at 623)692-9079.Thank y0u!. SINCERELY, MARIA V. G0NZALEZ
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:45:45 +0000

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