I WANT TO BELIEVE WHAT I DID WAS A MISTAKE PART ELEVEN PLEASE NOTE: Names have been changed in order to protect the identities of those involved I reached the hospital at around three, the kids were all excited blissfully unaware of the gravity of the situation. I caught a glimpse of Fatima as I drove up towards the door, she seemed teary eyed and her face was red from all the crying. I dropped the kids off and went to find a parking spot. After parking the car I sat there contemplating if I should go in or not. I tried to convince myself that there was no need go inside and that driving off would be in order but... I knew that I was lying to myself. I finally drew up the courage to go inside and slowly walked towards her and the kids. in the short distance from the car to the entrance of the hospital my mind worked overtime and I had a million thoughts running through my mind. As I approached the door I knew I had to pull myself together and be there for Fatima. I slowed my pace down to gain a few extra minutes so that I could compose myself. When I got to her I greeted her with open arms and hugged her with all that I had. The guilt of not being able to console her and the burden I carried killed me inside. We stood for quite a while outside While she explained to me how the accident happened. I was too happy to remain outside for fear of bumping into him... The kids grew anxious after some time and I suggested she take them upstairs. She insisted I come up to see her mum but I excused myself, telling her I needed to get home because I needed to cook and that Id have to for her and the kids as well, I also offered to switch on her lights and come around later to take the kids home to get done, promising that Id come up then. However it was just an avoidance strategy, I hoped that when I returned later he would be gone. She insisted and told me theres someone she would really like me to meet, I was panicked. I walked into the lift anxiously, my guilt rendered me abashed, and had me standing mum too embarrassed to say anything much. I hoped that my voiceless journey to the ICU would be blamed on her dads condition, and that it wouldnt reveal the truth behind my silence. As we got closer to the waiting room a state of exasperation overcame me. Before I realised it Fatima was trying to comfort me as the tears streamed down my cheeks. If only she knew what my tears really meant and what I was hiding behind them. She led the way into the waiting room, I just had my fingers crossed that I dont give away that I know him. As soon as we came inside her mum stood up to greet and then loudly whispered that he went down to look for her. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that, and went to hug her mum and whispered a few words of condolences and support to her. I then excused myself and made my way to the lifts, Fatima decided to walk me to lift I kept telling her to be strong and to have faith in Allah who would be their best source of strength in these trying times. as we made our way down the passage just before we reached the lift I turned around to hug fatima, as we hugged she leaned in and hugged me as if it was our last hug. She was extremely emotional, It was as if I could feel her pain when all of a sudden her voice cheered up and she told me, wait wait theres someone I want you to meet. The tone of her voice didnt do much to hide her excitement, and i knew instinctively that he was standing behind me. I was not too keen on turning around but she basically wedged me off her to introduce me to him. As I turned around I had a war going on, inside of me, the anger that I felt towards him, the pain I felt for Fatima, the hurt of his betrayal still raged inside of me, and this confusion nearly made me feint. Words cant explain what I felt when I laid eyes on him, I didnt know how to look at him since I didnt want to let fatima on to what existed between us. Before I had time to say anything she introduced me saying, this is my best friend Sadia, and this Sadia is the love of my life, ...... my fiancé. ...... those words killed me inside, I was motionless for a while. I had to snap out of it there was no way I was going to hurt fatima for he did. In turn I modestly looked down so as not to make any eye contact and said is this the guy you been telling me about for the past five months? she sheepishly smiled, saying this is him... Uwais TO BE CONTINUED MK
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:16:19 +0000

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