I WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO POLITICAL AMBITIONS OF MY OWN, & I cant speak for other members of my family!!!! However, after reading this story I would like all Magistrates, Magistrate Candidates such as Mark D Crider, and Judge Executive Candidates like Tim Allens Son in Law Mike Pennington & Ben Hale, to explain their thoughts/positions on this & other issues affecting the HUGE DECLINES in revenues and if they can stand to make HARD DECISIONS even if it means layoffs or cut hours and benefits? What is not mentioned in this article is that I asked Chris Waugh personaly after the meeting was adjourned if it were not possible to move the training for the polling place training, and he stated he could and/or would work to move the training, or work on the scheduling to allow the courtroom to be open for a meeting just before the election. It is also not mentioned that District One magistrate John Goble was at the funeral of a parent or in-law, but he had sent a note to be read, apologizing for his absence but also stated his position on one of the upcoming taxes proposed to take place throughout the county next year causing additional hardships on a lot of people who are on fixed income, out of work, etc.. The choice of taxes being an insurance tax on personal and real property and the other would be an occupational tax, which the details of which I am not sure of at this time. But there was no one and no way to ask if after the election if we could get their promise NOT TO raise taxes but figure out ways to cut the budget in more ways so the burden does not take any or all Floyd Countians to the brink of starvation or the loss of their homes and family lands having been in their families for generations in some extreme cases. Ralph Davis, since you are the Floyd County Times Editor, & a friend of mine, IDC if you tell it was me that figured out and was vocal from the gallery. I also want to state that I knew I couldnt by statute even ask about the question of no meetings. I also understand that it is a courtesy to address the court, not a statute that it be allowed. But if we read 67.090 ���Place of holding fiscal court -- Terms. The fiscal court of each county shall hold its sessions at the county seat or at other county government centers within the county as authorized by the fiscal court. On the seventh day prior to any meeting of the fiscal court at a site other than the county seat, the clerk of the fiscal court shall, for one (1) day, publish notice of the meeting in a newspaper as provided by KRS Chapter 424. The fiscal court shall hold a regular term each month, which shall continue until the business of the court is completed. The county judge/executive may, by an order of record, fix the dates for the commencement of the regular terms. The county judge/executive may call a special term of the fiscal court for the transaction of any business of which that court has jurisdiction. If a special term is necessary and the county judge/executive is unable, or refuses to act, a majority of the members of the fiscal court may call the special term. So why didnt they have the meeting at former Martin Community Center which is now closed. One more issue I have is that it is my understanding from. Reading through the statutes that a special called meeting is usually for emergency matters of the county and then to place the closing of a road for a couple of WEALTHY INVESTORS to complete their plans to build an access road to their own property instead of waiting possibly 90 days or more until the next regular meeting does not qualify as an emergency in my mind. Then when asked twice by Magistrate Warren Jarrel if this road was going to used as a primary access/egress road only to their business, they finally admitted that in the future, if they see need for expansion, it could become such a road if they build a mini/strip mall type structure on the property. Magistrate Jarrel had been concerned with the location of a water line and the easement of same for repairs and that was not addressed by ordinance but by a verbal/handshake acceptance of facts & promises from these out of town sharks. Has everyone forgot the light bulb factory at Martin? That group made a lot of promises too. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN THE FCTimes the opinion of the 2 distinctive taxes that cannot be voted on until next year from not only the sitting Magistrates/Judge Executive, but from the candidates running against incumbents. May make a good follow up story before the election and see if like George H.W. Bush when he was destroyed by his quote Read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:02:26 +0000

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