I WANT TO MAKE SOMETHING VERY CLEAR TO FOLKS TO CLEAR UP CONFUSION. Bikers Against BSL and AAVENGE (Animal Abuse and Violence Ends Now Through Greater Enforcement) are NOT animal rescues! BABSL educates the public and fights against the canine racism that is Breed Specific Legislation. AAVENGE educates the public about dog fighting and animal abuse and we raise money to help victims of dog fighting, abuse and neglect. Our job is one of education and ADVOCACY. We often are asked to help find dogs new homes and BABSL recently was asked to help transport dogs. I do transport dogs as a volunteer driver but that is in no way associated with AAVENGE. I ONLY do it if it is a pre-arranged above board transport set up by a transport coordinator or if I am transporting for someone that I know. I will NOT pick up dogs and randomly hand them off to some stranger! I will not speak for Bikers Against BSL but as far as AAVENGE goes I have NO problem with folks posting dogs on our FB page or our fan page that need rescue from a shelter or are in rescue or for whatever reason need a new home. However finding homes for dogs in need is not what AAVENGE and BABSL does. If you read our AAVENGE mission statement on our FB page and our website that point is made very clear. I also want to remind folks that neither Chris White with BABSL or myself can magically find a home for the dog that you no longer want. If you no longer want your dog it is YOUR responsibility to do some research and try to find a rescue to take your dog. It is not our responsibility nor is it our job. Often times folks want to get rid of their dog due to behavior issues when really all the dog needs is some obedience training. If they tear up your house while you are gone buy a crate! All dogs should be crate trained, especially if you get a puppy. Simple things can make a BIG difference in the life of your dog. For those of you who live in the Quad City area Chris White offers private in home dog training. The Quad City Dog Obedience Club in Milan next to the Quad City Animal Welfare Center offers classes for dogs from puppy on up at a very reasonable cost. Folks with rescue dogs or shelter dogs get a discount if they complete a six week class. These classes I must say since we belong to the QCDOC and my husband is an instructor there are very reasonably priced at $72 for a six week class one hour a week. The pitbull only class taught by my husband is $100. We have excellent instructors and I assure you we do a better job training dogs at our dog club than the trainers do at Petco and Petsmart for a much better price. You can check out our dog obedience club in Milan online and sign up for classes at QCDOC.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 18:58:38 +0000

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