I WAS ONCE A VERY GOOD ACTOR ON A STAGE. I COULD HAVE WON THE BEST ACTORS AWARD. I am not bragging for when you are good, then you are good. If you got it, you got it. Right? I was so good I wrote my own script, parts, was the director, producer and main actor. I call the play The Great Pretender. My script was written from my perspective of life. Do not be concerned about buying a ticket instead I will share with you the script. Part One: I had my own picture of what constituted life and eternity. I knew there was a God, heaven, hell and a judgment to come. These truths were written in my conscience from birth. No one had to take me to that place called church to learn these truths. Part Two: I was not what society called religious. I was not going to attend a church because I had neighbors that attend and knew a number of other individuals who attended, I saw no difference between them and me. We spokes the same language, coveted the same things, walked the same roads in life. I had measured my life with theirs and I believed I was better because I did not pretend to be something I was not. I am Ok. Part Three: I knew one day I would walk into Gods court room and stand before Him. I would not need a lawyer, I would defend myself, present my case and win. I would say, listen here your Honor, I have done more good than bad, yes at times I said to myself, I need to shape up and do better, I tried, but always failed. Your Honor, you know about good intentions I am sure. Those resolves people make and do not keep. I was good at it, at least I did try. I know you have a scale where you will weight a persons good and bad deeds. Therefore, put all my good deeds, good intentions I wanted to do, put them onto the good side of your scale and the bad (Not sin, I never sinned, I did bad things) on the other side and you will see I did 51% good and 49% bad in life. Close, but I win, case closed, show me the street where my castle is located. Part Four: In all honesty this was my script, belief and stage I lived on and played for 25 years. I never believed my play, stage and this award winning actor would face a final curtain call and would not end up in Fame, but going down into Flames. No way this would ever happen. Part Five: In my 45 year of preaching and witnessing to untold numbers of individual living in various locations, I have discovered the majority of individuals have the same script and are on the same stage I was on. Part Six: From early childhood our parents write the script for us and we perform from their stage. Later, we began to see another script and stage. Sure my parents lived in the roaring 20s, but there is a new stage and script where nothing is forbidden, Im going to join these actors, live by their script, on their stage. They do not sin, they are like me, we do a few bad things. God knows we do a few bad things. Yes, before those behind timers on the earth I pretend, acted like an angel. I learned from early childhood, how to act on my stage while growing up in their homes, churches and society. They were good, I am better and have an unrestricted script. Why dont they wise up and understand, some of them are still acting on their old stage. Part Seven: One night I meet another Author. He shared some of His script with me. I did not understand all of His script. But, I like the part that read, Life is not a stage full of actors pretending to be who they are not, if you follow me you will not be required to act or be the great pretender. I made a commitment to this Author, changed script, since that night I have experienced what He promised is true. I will hold on to His script. Can you believe the Author of this script was a lawyer? He wasnt acting when He was on a cross, He honestly died for me, went ahead of me into Gods courtroom and said, Father, Oh! I said, this is my lawyers Father I believe the verdict will be NOT GUILTY. He and only He (Not my goodness) will get me into His world. Look, I do not see a stage, nor actors in His world. Final Curtains Call: I strongly suggest, you throw away your script you have about your life and stage, you will not enjoy the final curtain call. Find the Author I met, follow His script. Its great. I would not take this world in exchange for it.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 15:18:11 +0000

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