I WEPT IN MY DREAM TODAY. By Allah, who made me and can destroy - TopicsExpress


I WEPT IN MY DREAM TODAY. By Allah, who made me and can destroy me at any moment He wants, what I am about to narrate is the dream I dreamt today. What surprised me was that I wept profusely in the dream, then I woke up to resume weeping like a baby. But before I go on with the story I have one thing tell you, and this is a sincere confession, it is not just because I want demonstrate Humility. I swear by Allah that I mean what I want to say now before I narrate the dream itself. I am not as pious as I sound on the social media. I am not as clean as I really want to be in the sight of Allah. I am not yet fully regular enough with my congregational prayers, my Tahajjud is not yet constant. I sometimes over sleep and miss fajri prayer in congregation. I sometimes pray some solaats untimely, I sometimes commit minor sins and later realise and quickly seek forgiveness, I sometimes backbite and gossip before knowing I have sinned, I sometimes beautify my recitation while leading congregation prayers and when we are true, I wont be sure if I beautified my voice to impress people or to seek pleasure of Allah, my creator. I am not a person who has attained purity of IKHLAS.I am still struggling between NIFAQ(hypocrisy) and IKHLAS(Sincerity for Allah alone) So I have always prayed to Allah like this; Allahuma, irzuqnil ikhlas fi kuli Aamaali lil wajhikal Kareem (Oh Allah bless me with purification of intention in all my deeds, for your sake, the Noblest Now this is my story over the night; I went to bed late around 12:30 am. Then I only slept for about 3 hours and woke up again. I tried to sleep but I couldnt.This was an unusual thing for me. Then I looked for something to eat to stimulate sleep. I went back to bed around around 4 but was still awake. I waited till around to five when I had a short snap of about fifteen to twenty minutes. But something happened in that short sleep. Something that I will never forget for the rest of my life! I had a dream that is the best of all my dreams ever since I was born. A dream that will henceforth re-define my relationship with Allah, that will make me more committed to religious activities, that will forever guide me against negligence and dereliction of my Duty as a Muslim,a dream that has planted certainty in my heart, that will now make me a better Muslim (In Shaa Allah) I noticed that as I was sleeping, I found my self with my chest placed over something smooth like a plank, but the plank was invisible, I only felt it below my chest without seeing it.Then it began to raise me up until I floated in air. Then it began to make some gentle spiralling movement towards the sky. I was having an exotic feelings as it was moving up. The higher the altitude the more joyous and Happier I was becoming, it was an inexplicable feelings of tranquility I have never experienced in my life. I kept moving and I was looking down appreciating the altitude untill we had to pass over some place like a very deep and dark pit. At this stage I became so afraid but yet had felt a presence of a companion that was also not visible to my eyes. His presence assured me of safe passage. We left the stage until we were nearly approaching the heavens and I started to look up and was seeing some very beautiful place that I can never explain with words.The distance covered can never be achieved by car for several years. In that dream, I was having the impression that it is a section of AL-JANNAH. Then the closer I was moving, the happier I became until the joy overwhelmed me and I bursted in tears. I was weeping profusely all along. Then I started to think this may mean my death and I was afraid that I should not die now. My happiness suddenly turned into a terrible fear of death and I became aware that all these are happening in a sleep. I was then wishing to wake up from the sleep so that I can stop dying. Then I woke up at that point. What surprised me was that I immediately began to weep again profusely. I went to make ablution to perform solaat and all through my 4 rakahs I could not control my tears, I recited quran with a weepy voice till my house-hold knew I was crying in prayer. However, the weepy solat itself was something so gratifying, I have never felt so close to Allah before. I was praying and was jittery as If Allah was standing right there in my front. How I wish all my solaats henceforth can be as good as that one. Now, why was I blessed with this kind of spiritual reality? I have not done anything spectacular in my worship of Allah, neither long ago nor recently. My IMAN has been up and down. Then something came to my mind, could it be due to my recent massive campaign for STREET DAWAH? I have a serious intention and a wish that we muslim youths should embark on street Dawah in our different localities. My dream is to influence as many people as possible to become DAEE. I have an aspiration to have muslim youths in all the towns and villages of Nigeria, where they will be telling people about Allah, his messanger,Quran,Islam etc. I have thought a thousand thoughts on how to convert this dream into reality. I keep thinking about it and keep praying to Allah to make it happen. I keep praying to him to make all nigerian muslim youth have the same aspiration as I have for Islam in this country. Could this mere intention be so mighty in the sight of my creator? Is Allah so happy with my dream that He decided to give me a fulfilling spiritual reality? Only by Allah could the appropriate answers be returned to these Questions. In my dream, I saw the reality that nothing in the whole world can compare with Al-jannah. I now have a full understanding of why keeps saying that this DUNYA is nothing but a play,Walahi I was shown to that reality. This Dunya is indeed a childs play. When I narrated this to my household this morning and I made a statement that; Walahi, if we know what Allah has in reserve for good muslims, we will be hasty to leave this world Then they suddenly became afraid and said: No stop scaring us may be they thought I would soon die after the revelation! My dear brothers and sisters. If I have fabricated this story, the sin will be so big in the sight of Allah and it will be so detrimental to all good deeds I might have already had in my accounts. So I know the implication.Walahi this was my dream and I know it does not assure me any guarantee for Al-Jannah, neither has it turned me into a saint. It was only meant to help me improve on my religion and Dawah activities, since I have been given YEKEEN(certainty) about the mighty works of our creator. I will never Narrate this story in any public gathering or a lecture session. I advice all of us to plan big for Islam and try our best on dawah. Street dawah is a good beginning point for all of us. Let us overcome the shyness or fear. Allah will be so proud of us. I keep receiving messages of people who say I have really motivated them so much that they want to begin street dawah. My own influence too has always been Brother #ISLAM_MEANS_PEACE Jazakumullahu khairan for reading the story. Wa salamu Alaikum.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:05:50 +0000

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