I WILL SCREAM THIS UNTIL MY TONGUE BLEEDS... The corporations - TopicsExpress


I WILL SCREAM THIS UNTIL MY TONGUE BLEEDS... The corporations simply dont care... they know their pipes will leak, they cut corners on prevention and guidelines just to profit a little more, then they say that spills are good for the economy cause they create jobs... same ol song and dance... the proof is everywhere... The pipeline companies and the big pharmaceutical industry are run exactly the same way... They couldnt care less about me and you and just want to make their profits, and are rich enough to criminally buy their rights to do whatever they want, and that includes cutting corners on safety and security and moving quickly to avoid inspections... WELCOME TO THE AGE OF NON-COMPLIANCE: “TransCanada Pipelines has a culture of non-compliance and deeply entrenched business practices that ignore the legally required regulation and codes. The mix of political and commercial interests allows industry to claim they exceed federal requirements when they are building substandard pipelines with no enforcement or accountability in the process.” desmogblog/2013/09/22/transcanada-whistleblower-evan-vokes-details-lack-confidence-keystone-xl
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 17:26:33 +0000

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