I WILL STAND ON MY POSITION CONCERNING THE CREATIVE ORDER OF GOD WITH REGARDS TO MAN & WOMAN!! When you know better you do better you teach & go back and apologize to those that were harm by your disorderly conduct!! In some years when the rebellious and disobedient out of order people that had influence went forth they begin to twist the order of God and the mindset of the women. No matter what they said in reality it yet didnt make us the head of man. So many lost their marriages and family listening to these women myself included. When I went on a year consecration eating nothing but a salad once a day for a year God broke my stubbornness and my disobedience. He personally broke down His order concerning man & woman. It wasnt a concept but a command that we follow. So many women make it seem as if this order diminishes them or makes them less but it doesnt. Its the order of creation and the highest form of respect because God wanted woman to be protected & provided for & loved like Christ loved the church. She was brought forth after every provision was established so that she can live in peace and happiness with her husband. Sin corrupted that but once you are born again it is reestablished as the order of every man & women that serves God. Only a prideful heart would think of the honor of being a helpmeet as degrading and belittling. I love God & I love the work I do in the Kingdom why because I understand Kingdom principles and Gods order. As long as I abide in these two areas according to His will I am happy. Am I saying it wont be challenges no I am not because there will be especially because of the carnal nature of the flesh but do I love God enough to obey Him even when the conditions are not favorable because God is in control of my life. Do I recommend women staying in the house with someone that is violent and could seriously hurt them dont be silly of course not. I do recommend them leaving out of a harmful situation. Do I tell them to divorce no. I do tell them to try and see if the person would be willing to get help both naturally & spiritually to see if they can fix the problem. Was there a time I would tell them that yes before I came to the full knowledge of the truth. But since I know truth I teach it. Did I learn heavily from my own mistake yes I did like I said I lost a marriage years ago behind it. Women dont let these women that think they are superior than men or better than them speak that over your life. Some women were happy in their marriage until they begin to let someone out of order tell them they were miserable.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:25:10 +0000

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