I WISH FOR EVERYTHING TO BECOME DREAMLIKE I wish for everything - TopicsExpress


I WISH FOR EVERYTHING TO BECOME DREAMLIKE I wish for everything to become dreamlike, For the visions that I see to be beautiful beyond recognition, Prejudices to be erased and see everything as it is objectively, The land and the sky emerged, Eaten by the eyes of republics, Societies fair and balanced in the long, long run, That everything be made simple in all fruits, I wish that the struts holding existence together be abolished, Simians and pagan with currency abound in their hearts, Abandoned for the love of idealist thought, The fear of death leveled by the sight of life, Pondering and pondering have brought forth a makeshift cannon, The wick is filled with hate and as it burns so will the needs of man, Slowly the blast of council will grant those new passage, Those that didn’t think about things so hard, Those that didn’t believe in anything, Those that wanted to long for something, Coming up short made those want for nothing, Except the want to not want, Those that rang bells and shouted out loud, Those that twirled in the crowded room, Those that had revelations of revolution, Those that held rain in their hands, Those that sought but weren’t sought after, For them it was the single step that made a difference, The mighty that were oh so meek, Those that didn’t get lead to slaughter, But by simple concept of overall were swept away by the tide, Kicking and screaming, Sanctuary Sanctuary They held human self worth above net worth, Held sickly more virtuous than pampered Held troubled and misguided as labeled dangerous thinking by the feeling mites, Held the feeble meaning of the world on the string and chopped it, Let it fall and fully saw truth laying at the bottom
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 21:05:27 +0000

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