I WONDER WHY FACE-BOOK BLOCKED THIS POST OVER AND OVER TODAY? THEY ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!! ___________________________________________________________________________ CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT THE OTHER MUSLIM BASTARDS ARE CHEERING THE PARIS KILLERS AS ICONS OF THEIR RELIGION. They are calling them: lions of the caliphate! (news.yahoo/paris-attack-rallies-islamic-extremists-may-boost-support-083515316.html ) And let me tell you - its not just the ones speaking out who are proud of these murderous thugs. The real problem was with the original SOB terrorist, mohammed ... and continues with the BS KORAN! I urge you to read it so you can accurately quote from it to refute your muslim opponents. [Yes, I DID mean those to be small ms - it was not a typographical error]. And read the life of mohammed - see how he sat contentedly (with his wife whom he married at her age of nine years) for amusement, watching the beheading of more than 600 opponents!(quotingislam.blogspot/2011/06/muhammad-presides-over-beheading-of-600.html) WE MUST get ALL these bastards out of our society before they have destroyed our country, established Sharia law and what have you. Let me assure you that there are NO GOOD muslims. Even the leaders who recently spoke out against the terrorist attacks - like Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, are believers in the essence of the Koran and all its perversions! (Wikipedia confirms that al-Sisi is a Devout muslim and further says of him: He comes from a religious family and frequently inserts Quranic verses into informal conversations;[103] El-Sisis wife wears the traditional Islamic Hijab.) Do all you women reading this want to live like that; and without a license to drive a car as in Saudi Arabia, etc., etc.? (There is so much more of this CRAP! Its unbelievable. How about having you female genitals cut out, and living with a guy who has multiple wives?) Cmon - we have gotta fight this now with all our Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Taoist & Buddhist powers. Remember that these muslim folks are all bred from the same dog called the prophet - and they are ALL - every last one of them - evil and determined to take over our country - wherever country that be - and establish a world-wide Caliphate under Sharia law.. SO GET ARMED, AND GET READY. Oh, and dont forget that your president is also a closet muslim, determined to destroy the American we know and love by all means possible, using in particular the strategies of Saul Alinski - how else to explain all obamas actions and inactions of which we are aware? Latest rumor is that obama is connected to the muslim brotherhood. SO GET READY - GO TO YOUR LOCAL GUNSHOP ASAP! Speak out against this cancer and do not be silenced by PC CRAP!! ESPECIALLY, I AM ASKING ALL CHRISTIANS TO UNITE BEHIND A NEW CRUSADE AGAINST ISLAM! May God Almighty & Jesus Christ, bless, empower, promote and protect our efforts!!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 15:36:36 +0000

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