I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO READ ABOUT DONNAS EXPERIENCE WITH SKINNY FIBER. SHE IS AWESOME. Donna Kennedy Hey everyone, today I finished my second 90 Day Challenge with Skinny Fiber. I wanted to share my journey with you all. Donna here, I just finished my second 90 Day Challenge with Skinny Fiber and I am loving every minute of it. I have never felt this healthy in my life. I no longer suffer the pain effects of Irritable Bowl Syndrome, live with depression & anxiety, and my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was easily remedied after my first week of taking Skinny Fiber. I sleep well, waking up feeling rested. My energy level as increased tremendously. Hell, my entire lifestyle has changed. I am a strong, confident person who loves herself and the accomplishes I have made. These past 6 months have taken me on a journey that I was scared to death to take. My biggest fears; changing my lifestyle and failure. The good Lord knows how many times diets have failed me, and nobody likes change, but it was a reality I had to face. I was tired of putting on a facade that I was completely happy, when deep down, I was miserable with my body and my weight. I felt lethargic, had no energy, no motivation, some days I had no desire to get out of bed. Yes, I needed a major change and I was the one who had to do it. So I did. I was introduced to Skinny Fiber through a weight loss support group. I read the testimonies and honestly, I thought gimic. Yeah right, no one can just take two capsules 30 minutes before there two biggest meals, drink water, and lose weight. Boy was I ever wrong. After a few months of watching, I decided to PM the administrator of the support group, not to take Skinny Fiber, but to sell it. Tasha, my guru, invited me to listen in on a Live Call to see if it was something for me, something I would really want to do, Change My Life. So, I called and listened. I was so blown away, I not only ordered, I became a Distributor. Two of the greatest decisions I have ever made. Thank you Skinny Fiber, Mr. Ben Glinsky, Tasha, and all of you. Without your support, inspiration, and motivation, I wouldnt be the person I am today, happy and healthy. To date, I have lost 41 pounds and 86 1/2 total body inches. I love the person I have become. ~D If you are looking to lose weight or just get healthy, give Skinny Fiber try; <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 FRIEND ME OR FOLLOW ME. I LIKE HAVING LOTS OF FRIENDS AND I LOVE TO SHARE STUFF I FIND INTERESTING ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!! FOLLOW OR FRIEND ME HERE: <3 https://facebook/marcyg1 <3 TO JOIN MY GET HEALTHY SUPPORT GROUP HERE: <3 https://facebook/groups/1407062012848966 <3 Get your Skinny on! 100% natural! NO wraps! NO shakes! NO fake food! NO hormones!! START HERE <3 mgowen.EatLessFeelFull/ <3
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:01:49 +0000

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