I WROTE THIS LETTER BACK IN AUG OF 2012: ITS ALARMING HOW NOTHING HAS CHANGED, AND KEEPS GETTING WORSE. dear president obama: You are the problem. I watched you with disdain on Letterman. I dont think Letterman even wants to brag so much about your appearance... for your information, under your policies the national debt has added $4Billion (with a B)...) each and every day, or a whopping $16 TRILLION dollars. You embarrassed us all again when you crassly stated not to worry about it... My Grandchildren will carry your burden throughout their lives. When were YOU going to start to worry about it??? Your stimulous bill is a failure. 8% of American people dont have jobs. the ones that are back to work are under employed. China owns more and more of America, while our own businesses are going bankrupt. You will not allow oil drilling of our own, but send billions to South American countries funding them, and China is getting that oil. You hang around with communists, socialists, and criminals that should be serving time. You intend to release some of our top enemies back into the world. Do you think that wise? Just more appeasement. Bow to the king and make them like you??? Cause they are still bombing our embassies and killing our citizens. I do not think you have much influence over them as you think you do. At any rate your foreign policy really falls short of the lowest step. Single handedly you are handing our nation over to them on a platter. You have no influence anywhere, and certainly no dignity amoungst our allies. Your ego is bigger than you yourself know how deal with. If you really do have a Hawaiian birth certificate, college transcripts, or any other document to prove yourself, why dont you release them. Your social security number is from a state you have never lived in...which is fraudulent... It seems you have every intention of turning America into something that no one over 25 will recognise, with your plan of redistribution. Will you be turning your own home over as well? or will you be part of the elite. How about your friends in Hollywood who have made their millions off of hard working Americans? Will redistribrution apply to them as well? Obamacare is your pride and joy, but it will cost Americans more than any of us want to afford. You accuse Mr. Romney of ignoring the poor, and working for the rich, but you are doing the same in the fact that ALL of us will be paying for those you insist on adding into the welfare system. The more you add, the more money your plan costs, and its well over what you told America. Pelosi wasnt lying for a change when she stated no one could Know what was in it until it was passed. What kind of rhetoric BS is that? And then to tell Congress not to worry cause they were exempt from it...you yourself will not answer straightforward yes or no, if you are going to use it for your family. More BS. What happened to the transparency you promised? Just like every other word from your mouth, that was a lie. The thing that really galls me is that you dont even bother to make your lies look like they have some crumb of truth to them any longer. Apparently your opinion of the average US citizen is pretty low, and I resent that. You were caught on tape telling the Russian Ambassador you would have more flexibility after the election? Would you please explain what you meant by that? Please take a few minutes and think about the office you occupy, and understand that prior to you holding the office, it stood for the most respected office in the world, and mind you, the United States of America, that you seem to disdain, is the greatest country that has ever stood on this earth. You are an embarrassment to the office. Political behavior aside, your performance has been an embarrasment to every American who has paid his dues (and taxes) and your behavior cannot be defended in any way as representing the American people. When you went to Egypt and apologized to the Muslim world, I (and every American) was stunned. You, as our ELECTED representative, APOLOGIZED? While you may believe that the American people have performed or behaved badly, and that we, somehow, have done something wrong to the Muslim world, you took it on yourself to embarrass me and my grandchildren and tell the same people that are trying to murder me and my grandchildren youre sorry? You are in the office of the American presidency, and you are supposed to represent the strength of the American people, our desire for independence, our belief in the American way of life, and you APOLOGIZE to the people trying to kill us? Recent events confirm your unwillingness to be representative for the American people. As our ambassador is murdered, you apologized again. Excuse me? You cant even tell a good story. I am stunned at the information that comes out, today I hear youve found a scapegoat for your administration, another governmenta agency representative who takes the fall for your failure to be a good leader. Already your failure to protect and defend American interest in Libya is regarded as total weakness on the part of America. I would like to know what you intend for the US when you talk about going forward as your campaign slogan. You have lead the US down a very ugly road, and I certainly am concerned when you state you just need more time and you want to continue going forward. I dont believe in your plan for a socialist America, and many others agree with me. Americans expect truth and honesty, integrity, loyalty, pride and even a little bit of humor from their president, but above all we expect leadership and strength. We have been sorely disappointed. Lets discuss your Change slogan. Theres been no change. The reason the American people give low approval rankings to Congress is because they ARE NOT WORKING. As the leader of the country, you should have been working on the nations problems. You cannot develop a concensus in Washington, you are not a true administrator of the Executive branch), and you cannot get anything accomplished in your own party (except for the Obamacare nightmare, which is not an accomplishment (however your associate believes it was a big F....... deal, really, wasnt that just a shining moment for your administration to have your somewhat diminished office of VP be vulgar on TV!) but yet another government intrusion into the American peoples right to freedom. Im tired. Im tired of listening to the continual excuses your administration produces. You continue to blame George Bush. Please, can we get a new punching bag? One of the aspects of the Presidency that should be respected is that it is occupied by a gentleman, someone with diplomacy and tact. You go on 2nd rate talk shows? Has the office of the Presidency been lowered to this level? Why? Are you that desparate that you need to rely on fans of has been actors like Rosanne Barr to get you elected? Lets talk about your stand on illegal aliens. You refuse to stand up for and strengthen the laws that are in place to protect this country, and then go an additional step by suing the states that do try to adhere to them. You turn a deaf ear to Arizona and Texas as they plea to the president of the US for protection and aide. Even the Mexican president has no respect for you, even when you agree with and support him over your own citizens. Now you think the answer is to grant those people, who broke the laws by sneaking into the country, immunity. Instant citizenship! What a slap in the face to all those immigrants who enter the country with pride and a plan to work hard and be an American. A lot of the people you are proposing to give immunity to are drug dealers, murderers, and thieves. A lot more of them are welfare recipients who are stuck in the system, living off of the people you are paid to represent, the people paying your wages, and making all those vacations possible for you and your family. This is how you repay us, adding more liability to a struggling economy. They never intend to become American citizens, they send their money back to Mexico, they spit on the very flag that your wife burned in the past, and the flag that YOU yourself have attempted to replace with your own logo. Brilliant strategic move on your campaign part, thank you for your consideration of the sacrifices thousands of Americans made on 9/11 by making sure your campaign was first, rememberances second. Needless to say, Im sure YOU will not see this, your paid government bureaucrats (sorry, did I mention your 58 czars?) or even your lower level (gasp, actual working American government worker? could they be a Union worker?) will of course see this email and delete it, if your government funded website administrator doesnt do it) who protect their own government funded paychecks will of course decide that I am a radical, RACIST, TEA PARTY republican who doesnt drink your koolade that your provide. While you may believe it appropriate to disregard the state of Israel and their rightfully elected leaders, we, the 51%, believe you are misguided. This country has stood behind the state of Israel for 64 years, and you have managed to help the enemies of this valiant people in a very short time become emboldened and determined to see their demise. Would it not be appropriate for you, as the leader of the greatest country on earth to defend the people of a country determined by God to be their chosen people?
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:41:20 +0000

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