I Want To Say I Do It is every girls dream to wear their matric - TopicsExpress


I Want To Say I Do It is every girls dream to wear their matric dance dress, But i on the other side Saw no need to wear it. Maybe i am guy deep inside Or maybe i am not girly so that makes the girl in me hide. However i dont regret not going to my matric dance Because i dont know how to dance not even to save my life, So it would be better if i step on your toes when we take the dance as husband and wife. It is every womans wish to walk down the aisle, To walk towards their forever, Smiling with the anticipation in their eyes screaming loud saying Take it easy honey, I am waiting for you on the other side of this alter. But i on the other hand, It happened when i least expected it. Well marriage proposals are meant to be surprise right? However mine was a surprise and a half. I felt that I, Myself, was still young to make such a committment, But does the heart and happiness have an age restriction? I felt that it was too early, But how later can it be to say I do and actually mean it? I felt that we were being impulsive about it all, Until i realised that time, is our worst enemy and The clock ticks more than once, It records seconds, minutes and hours repeatedly, But it can never be turned back. You see? I realised that i am being hesistant about it because of my age, Two digits that doesnt even determine how matured and profound i am and how many bridges i have crossed. I became hesistant about two lousy digits that cannot turn back the hands of time even if my life depended on it. I wasted time because of two damn digits that says nothing about the heart breaks i have experienced, The amount of tears i have shed, Or the lonely days i endured in a relationship i was alone in. I realised that it is time i stopped wishing babies were bought over the counter, Or atleast came with airplanes Because theres no airplane better than the warmth of my womb. That, i cant be wasting time because time is an enemy that has the ability to kill you and erect you a tomb. You can find yourself trapped in your wrist watch Trying to turn it back Because you are late for your meeting. Wishing it could be few minutes ago just to do things different before you got that call saying the woman you left alone in the house to go party was murdered few minutes after you left. Begging seconds to not turn into minutes, and minutes to not turn into hours Because now the lump inside of you grows and time aint on your side To hide it for longer, Because believe me, it grows from a zygote, to a foetus and a damn baby. So i sat myself down, Wrote all the things you do wrong and all the things you do right. I wrote all the things i do wrong and all those i do wrong. I realised that the only thing we do wrong is wait, And i am the influencer. We wait for the rain to fall, Yeah thats fine because we cant burst clouds and force the flood gates of heaven to open. We wait for seasons to change, For the cold short winter days to leave And the warm longer summer days to come. That too is still fine because we cant really do anything about it. We then wait for the storm to pass, You hold me tight and protect and all, Yeah its cute i know. However, i made us wait for a tomorrow i aint sure of. I made us wait for a future i aint guaranteed that it will come, And trust me, It eats me up inside. Marry me, Take me away from my family and friends And make me one of your siblings. Give me a new name which defines the change from being a girl, a woman, to being a wife and a potential mom to be. I want you to wait for me on the other side of the alter As i walk down the aisle towards my forever. I want to say i do, Just tell the pastor to skip the You May Kiss The Bride Part, Because i cant kiss you in front of your parents and mine *laughs* They might think i am not well-mannered. I want to say i do, Because i do want to inherit a double portion of your soul, And you mine. I want you and i to be one, Because you make life worth living for. Copyright (c) 2014. Lady Black Poet. All Rights Reserved
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:41:17 +0000

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