I Want You To Learn The Most Powerful Habit Much of life - TopicsExpress


I Want You To Learn The Most Powerful Habit Much of life consists of habits. I want you to learn a new habit. In fact its the most powerful habit capable of transforming your entire existence. Say, I Trust You, God in response to whatever you face. Make it a habit not to face anything alone. Whenever you feel pressure raising up inside of you for whatever reason, say, I trust you, God! Whenever a dream, or an expectation crashes, say I trust you, God! When tempted to reason and obsess too much over something, give it to God on the palms of your hands, look into His eyes, and say, I trust you, God! When anxious about finances, relational conflict, marriage, your kids, a problem at work, go for a walk, look at the flowers, listen to the birds, and remember God takes care of them all. He cares about you way more than birds and flowers. Say, Aha, I got it. I trust you, God! This simple habit will in time help you to see me, where you never saw me before. When you feel alone, like you would like to get a hug from another human being, say, Thank you, God! I trust you! Do you believe someone is taking advantage of your love and grace? Turn to God and say, I trust you, God! God will vindicate you. Nothing is more powerful than this habit! Fear will dissipate from your heart. Loneliness will be gone. You will know at last, that God is with you! Gods peace will fill you with contentment. God is not looking for possibilities to work things out. God does not need things to line up to make anything happen. That is your way of thinking. Relax. All to the contrary. God rejoices in facing impossibilities to work out the supernatural. God loves to show you how something impossible can become a blessing you can not explain. Its your heart that matters. Dont make your relationship with God complicated and full of formulas. Trust God! At all times, trust God. Thats the discipline God wants you to develop. Every time you say, I trust you, God, you will be reinforcing your close relationship. God will never drop you. It doesnt matter what people promise or dont promise you, God is in control. When you do Gods will you will never LOSE! If God ask you to love the person who doesnt love you, it doesnt matter if your love is returned or rewarded. God will bless you. Say, I trust you, God! and peace will fill you. You will always be ahead of the crowd by following God. What if you are in doubt? Should I do this or that? Do what you are impressed to do. God is bigger than your failure and your decisions. Here is how much you can God. This is Gods promise to you. There is not a single place on the face of the planet where you can hide and be out of my sight. I am with you all the time. If you fly to the sky, I am there. If you go into an underground cave, I am there. If you fly on the mornings wing to the far western horizon, you will find me there, because I am already waiting for you. Then if you say, Aha, but God can not see me in the dark! Remember this, there is no darkness for me. In the dark, you are immersed in light, because everything is light for me. There is no day or night, light or darkness for me. Darkness is an illusion. Darkness does not exist in my universe. Darkness is the absence of light, because of sin. Start today. Whatever you face, say, I trust you, God! I promise your life will change, and you will soar like an eagle over the most difficult circumstances. Your mind matters. Faith and trust are a habit you build in your mind when you let me love you! (The Message: Matthew 6:26; Psalm 63: 2-4; Isaiah 40:9-11; Psalm 139:7-10) God bless you and Happy Sabbath!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:07:45 +0000

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