I absolutely agree and will support any and all Politicians who - TopicsExpress


I absolutely agree and will support any and all Politicians who stand up for our laws of the land, aka the original Constitution of America!! Legal and religious experts have repeatedly warned Americans about the inherent dangers of allowing Shariah Law to be implemented or utilized in American courts and have laid out the reasons why Shariah should be banned in U.S. courtrooms. During the 2014 midterm elections, the voters of Alabama overwhelming decided to outlaw the use of foreign codes of law in their state’s courts, joining seven other states that have more or less banned Shariah law. Now Ive done a lil research into this group Cair and they are a DANGEROUS group! If you have any doubts you are ignorant of what they stand for, before you debate me on this you need to do your own research and that does not mean parroting what the bs media tells us BUT doe mean look at the laws they have tried to pass through with the help of this admin. According to Islamophobia.org, a website run by the unindicted co-conspirator and radical Islamic front group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), Alabama wasn’t the only state to make a move against Islamic Shariah law. The radical Islamic sympathizers in the terrorist front group CAIR are up in arms about the revised platform of the New Hampshire Republican Party, which calls for a return to true “Federalism,” or state sovereignty. The New Hampshire GOP platform reads, in part, “Oppose laws and programs contrary to our founding principles such as Sharia Law, the International Baccalaureate Program, UN Agenda 21 or other ‘sustainable development’ programs conservativetribune/nh-gop-driving-muslims-insane/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_content=936184&utm_campaign=0
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 14:58:54 +0000

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