I adore you I adore you, my God and I love you with all my - TopicsExpress


I adore you I adore you, my God and I love you with all my heart. I thank you for having created me , Christian fact and kept on this day. Forgive the evil committed today , and if I have done some good , accept it . Keep me in the rest and deliver me from danger. Your grace is always with me and with all my loved ones . That the dying on this night die gives the Paradise and gives to the faithful departed eternal rest Amen Examination of Conscience To God: Love God above all things . Negligence or omission in religious duties . Irreverence in the church. Sanctification of the party. Lack of respect for sacred things or people . Doubts about the faith. Human respect . Blasphemies . Curses . Lack of confidence and resignation. Resistance to grace. Towards the Next : Love the neighbor for Gods sake Lack of care , obedience . Obstinacy. Hardness . Contempt. Coldness . I hate . Jealousy. Insults . Forgiveness of wrongs . Taunts . Slander. Slander . False testimony. Violence . Lies. Bad examples . Hate the evil , Scandal . Injustices . Damage to reputation or property . Debts. Theft. Duties to the Fatherland, to the Company . To themselves : Victory on our main defect . Superficiality . Generosity . Pride . Vanity. Avarice . Desires, looks, readings , words and deeds unclean . Intemperance . Throat. Softness . Immortificazione . Anger. Impatience . Laziness in performing the duties of their state. prayer of reparation Eternal Father, through the hands of Our Lady of Sorrows , I offer the S. Heart of Jesus, with all its love , all its sufferings and all its merits : to atone for all the sins I have committed this day and during all my life . Gloria to purify the good I have done poorly this day and during all my life . Gloria to make up for the good that I do and I neglected to do today and throughout my life. Gloria . Act of Contrition My God, I am sorry and I regret with all my heart for my sins , sinning because I deserved your punishment and much more because I have offended Thee, infinitely good and worthy to be loved above all else . I propose with Your holy help to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Lord , mercy , forgive me. A Baby Jesus O Holy Child Jesus Bless Glory to the Father O Holy Child Jesus Bless Glory to the Father O Holy Child Jesus Bless Glory to the Father The Three Hail Marys O Mary, Mother of Jesus and My Mother defend me from the snares of the enemy in life and especially at the hour of death For the power that has given you the Eternal Father - Hail Mary For the wisdom that has given you the Divine Son - Ave Maria For the love he has given you the Holy Spirit - Ave Maria The souls in Purgatory Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son , Jesus , in union with all the Masses celebrated in the world today , in memory of all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Church universal , of my surroundings and my family . Amen . I bless you, Father. at the end of this day. Accept my praise and my thanks for all your gifts . Forgive all my sins , because I have not always listened to the voice of your Spirit . I have not been able to recognize the Christ in others I have met. Keep me during the rest : all evil away from me and give me to wake up with joy at the new day . Protect all your children wherever they may be . Amen . In S. Joseph St. Joseph, husband of Mary, sweet , foster father of Jesus of divine providence , the guardian of the Holy Church , to thee do to be coated of your virtues : your faith, your humility , your obedience , your patience , your silence adoring , and your spirit of abandonment. Defend us from all the assaults of the evil one and measure our spiritual and material needs that we may seek only the Kingdom of God and serve the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your most holy bride. St. Joseph, pray for us and for the souls in purgatory. our Father Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name , thy kingdom come , thy will be done , as in heaven , so on earth . Give us this day our daily bread , and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors , and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil . Amen . To Jesus Soul of Christ , sanctify me . Body of Christ , save me . Blood of Christ, inebriate me . Water from the side of Christ , wash me . Passion of Christ , strengthen me . O good Jesus, hear me . Within Thy Wounds, hide me . Do not allow me to separate me from you. From the malignant enemy , defend me . In the hour of my death , call me. Let me come to you, to praise Thee with Thy saints , for ever and ever . Amen . Jesus Mary and Joseph I give you my heart and my soul ! Jesus , Mary and Joseph , assist me in my last agony ! Jesus , Mary and Joseph , spiritually at peace with you my soul ! At the end of the day At the end of the day, or the Supreme Creator, vegliaci in the rest with the love of the Father. Gives health to the body and the spirit of fervor , your light brighten the shadows of the night. In sleep the limbs remains faithful heart, and the return of dawn sings your praise. Both honor to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit , the triune God and only for ever and ever . Amen . To the Lord Jesus O Jesus, Savior , my Lord and my God , my God and my all , that with the sacrifice of the cross you have redeemed us and defeat the power of Satan , please deliver me from every evil presence , and from any influence of the evil one . I ask in your name, I ask for your wounds , I ask for your blood, I ask for your cross , I ask for the intercession of Mary Immaculate and Sorrowful . The blood and water that come from your side will fall on me to purify me , free me , heal me . Amen . To Mary O august Queen of heaven and sovereign of the angels, to you who have received from God the power and mission to crush the head of Satan , we humbly ask you to send us heavenly legions , because at your command chase the demons , fight them everywhere, repress their boldness and reject them into the abyss. Amen . In San Michele St. Michael the Archangel , defend us in battle against the wickedness and snares of the devil , be our help. Please supplication : the Lord commands it ! And you, Prince of the heavenly host , by the power that comes from God , cast into hell Satan and the other evil spirits , who prowl about the world in the ruin of souls . Amen . Evening Prayer to the Guardian Angel Holy Angel of God, watch over my soul and my body, forgive me everything that could offend you in the course of my life and all the blame today. Protect me in the night that you approach and look at me from the snares and attacks of the enemy , because I do not offend God by sin . Intercede for me to the Lord together with the Virgin Mary , St. Joseph and all the saints , to strengthen me always in his holy fear and make me a worthy servant of his holiness. Amen . Visit , Father our home and keep away the snares of the enemy are the holy angels to guard us in peace and your blessing remain with us always. Through Christ our Lord. Amen . Prayer to Our Lady . before sleep By entrusting her to his protection , our whole being , body and soul. O Virgin, it is getting late , everything falls asleep on the ground, its time for rest : do not forsake me ! Put your hand on my eyes As a good mother. Close them gently with the things of this world . My soul is weary with sorrow and sadness, the hard work that awaits me is here close to me . Put your hand on my forehead , stop my thoughts . Dolce will be my rest, if blessed by you . Because tomorrow your poor son It is intended stronger And happily resume The weight of the new day. Put your hand on my heart . He just always watch and Ridica to his God An eternal love.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 23:39:54 +0000

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