I agree, most people concerned about the environment want to see - TopicsExpress


I agree, most people concerned about the environment want to see our country move forward with renewables. Nuclear energy has never been considered a renewable energy source. Not only is it the most expensive but also the most dangerous form of energy we could use. Plus, the cost of decommissioning and forever waste storage needs to be part of this discussion. The nuclear industry has had over 1/2 century to figure out what to do with this high level radioactive waste and still the best they can come up with is dry casks ~ That might last 100 years? Why should an industry be allowed to make a waste product that needs to be isolated for thousands of years, in the first place? Nuclear is not green either. The whole nuclear chain is toxic, from uranium mining, milling, processing etc. Also, every nuclear reactor dumps radioactive water, scatters radioactive particles, and disperses radioactive gases as part of its routine everyday operation. beyondnuclear.org/storage/publications/Routine%20Releases%20from%20U.S.%20Nuclear%20Power%20Plants_November_2013.pdf Plus its a water and heat issue: When North Anna nuclear power station is in full operation, approximately 2,000,000 gallons of water pass through the station per minute and releases plenty of heat. The lake intake water right now is 47 degrees and the discharge water 72.1 degrees. .https://dom/corporate/what-we-do/electricity/generation/nuclear/north-anna-waste-heat-treatment-facility Ultimately, what we have learned from the ongoing 3 core melt down in Japan, is we dont even have the technology to deal with such a disaster and both accidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima have claimed large areas... rendering them permanently uninhabitable. cbsnews/news/chernobyl-the-catastrophe-that-never-ended/ We can and must move away from dirty fossil fuels and nuclear, if we are to have a livable future.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 01:00:13 +0000

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