I agree that this description is the other half of who a soul - TopicsExpress


I agree that this description is the other half of who a soul mate is and what a soul mate does. A true soul tells you the truth but protects you at the same time. They cover you, not expose you. They have a deep and abiding love for their partner because they want to see them at their best not just meet up with them in bed. This post tells the other side of being a soul mate and how to know when you have one. The first half is someone who compliments you and you compliment them is a way that is uplifting and expansive for the both of you. Together you are upwardly mobile. One is not up while the other is down. Your soul mate IS your fit and they contribute nourishment and growth to the whole person. They build up as well as help repair and heal what was torn down. They are food for your soul not a menace to the mind. A soul mate is someone you can come too who will listen and try to understand, hold your hand and still be able to take a stand when things get out of hand. They have a Its you and I mentality when it comes to the relationship. They are a match for your mind, body and spirit and the more you are together the more alike you become as far as understanding and wanting what is best ( not what always feels best ) to keep your union strong. You dont struggle with your soul mate to make it work...together they face issues and situations and work them out. They are not an enemy of the other and they do not tear down the relationship but rather help build and strengthen it. Souls mates have vision that carries them through difficult times in the arms of one another not at arms against one another. Your soul mate is your eternal date through the good, bad and ugly of life and you are theirs. When you have your soul mate, it is like the word of God says...The two become one flesh not just in bed but out...meaning they build on and strengthen the union. What person fights themselves? Neither will your soulmate fight you...you discuss bot debate and argue. You listen to one another not just have all the say and want everything your way. You and your soulmate are one.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:29:28 +0000

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