I agree wholeheartedly with Bill O’Reilly of Fox News when he - TopicsExpress


I agree wholeheartedly with Bill O’Reilly of Fox News when he blamed the disintegration of the Black family as a major fault of Black’s problems. Bill cited the unwed birth rate as 73% for black women, father absence in the family and the homicide rate for blacks to be more than ten times that of white and Hispanic combined. Bill rightfully asked where are the black leaders on these issues? Why haven’t they initiated turn around campaigns on these practices. Instead, most of the prominent Black leaders can only muster defiant speeches, calls for militancy, demonstrations and riots. These calls naturally bring defensive backlash and resentment from other races instead of better cooperation that would help solve the problems. So, the current leaders have been counterproductive in the long run. Do the Blacks have the wrong leaders because of attitude and lack of solutions? – I think they do. They need to have leaders who are positive thinking, civil minded and solution oriented. Bill called on President Obama to lead out positively on this endeavor to reestablish black family values, emphasize good education, practice peaceful attitudes toward other races, including other Blacks and do honest good works. So far, all we have seen from President Obama is more food stamps (dependency), political appointments for donations rather than skill, racial empathy / protest against a fair trial of Zimmerman and a parade of musicians and entertainers in the White House who, by their filthy songs and sordid actions, profit big time by urging the wrong direction for everybody, ie; Hip Hop, Rap, gang glamor, tattoos, antagonizing low dress / undress and even violent and non-violent criminal behavior. Now let’s be up front about racism – it’s wrong as wrong can be. It is unfair to many; white, brown, yellow, red and black because so many of each race are really fine, fair minded, intelligent, honest, responsible people. Many are my beloved friends that I admire. Yet, Black people have been voted in and assigned the highest of offices in both business and government. Yet, we seem to get nowhere on racial unrest and the values issues. New leaders are needed, especially Black, but, also otherwise those that influence good civil values in their respective races. Until then, we just wallow in the mud and slide further downhill. Wake up America – we can and should do better. Let’s love one another because we all deserve it by our attitudes, behavior and achievements – not because it is demanded or is otherwise unlawful.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 22:48:20 +0000

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