I agree with your post. We need to come up with a plan to present - TopicsExpress


I agree with your post. We need to come up with a plan to present to Congress and the law makers. Im game. How do you want to do this? Should I just list a few things here, and you can tell me if this is what you mean or not? #1. Stop the payments from the Federal Government to Foster care and adoption incentives. These funds need to be placed in the right program instead: To the families or the kinship providers of the children. #2. Social workers need to be trained in the reunification process as the Safe Families Act of 1974 was intended, instead of being trained on how to rip families apart and steal their children. #3. There needs to be accountability & consequences for social workers, attorneys, Gals, Magistrates and Judges, who lie, falsify documents, retaliate, make false allegations, abuse their power, manipulate, show malicious intent, threaten, badger, carry out vendettas or grudges, or cause any kind of harm to families and/or children. #4. Social workers must prove their cases by the poponderence of the evidence (not hearsay) like it is written in our Constitution. They must show clear and concise evidence of all allegations towards a person, or the courts will not open any suggested cases on anyone. #5. All Judges, Magistrates, Lawyers, Social Workers, Government Agents, need to be stripped of their immunity rights. If U.S. Citizens are not afforded these same immunities, then the same must apply to all concerned. It is unfair, unconstitutional, for one side to be able to lie and bare false witness against a person (s) and suffer no consequence for this action, and everyone else to be expected to tell the truth or face fines and jail time. #5. There needs to be an overseer to approve, go over, and review case workers work, recommendations, and clear evidence before any authorization is given to remove any child from their family. This appointed overseer must not be paid by the Department of Social Services, or County and Government Agencies, but by tax dollars from the people. #6. Every person (who is a party to the case) must be given the opportunity to be heard, any evidence submitted must be reviewed by the dept. Judge/Magistrate and Attorneys before any decision is rendered. #7. Every kinship member (who has an interest in the child; Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Older Siblings, Guardian, Special Respondents, Interveners, etc...) must be provided with an attorney by the court just as court appointed attorneys are issued to the parents, foster care persons, and adoptees, to represent them in the case and their best interests for the child. #8. There needs to be an unbiased complaints dept. (not paid for by the Government, State, County, or Dept. Of Social Services, but by tax dollars from the people) who will listen to, address, and investigate said complaints and report their findings to the person making the complaint, the overseers, and the courts. #9. Each case is different, and needs to be looked at in that way. Example: (A) A poor family whose head of household is the sole provider of the family and also an abuser, must be removed from the home until he/she gets the appropriate help needed to control their behavior, and the mother or primary caregiver of the children to remain intact in their home and services offered to keep the family together while the head of the household does what is needed to return to the home, or is permanently banned from returning. (B) A poor family who is not abusive, but argues over bills, time, money, etc...need to be offered services to help them over their financial struggles and help them get back on track with their family. #10. Childrens voices need to be heard and considered in this process. Too often the children are ignored, shoved aside, and strangers decide their lives for them. A child knows where they want and need to be, and their voices need to be heard and considered before any decision is ever made. #11. In a divorce; child custody issues, unless there is concise and clear poponderence of the evidence from one parent against the other (of abuse/neglect/or harm of the children) both parents shall share equal time and responsibilities for the child just as they did when they were married. Both parents need to attend a class that teaches them how to communicate with each other in a neutral capacity, show them the harm that they are causing their children because of the bitterness between them, and to come to an equitable agreement with each other about their parenting techniques. They can learn to parent affectively together, or choose to do it separately, but the parenting time and responsibilities will remain in affect. If allegations are made by one of the parents against the other of abuse and/or neglect, it is to be fully investigated immediately. If the allegations are proven to be false, then the parent who made the false allegations will be fined or jailed for making vindictive allegations to get the other parent. If the allegations are proven to be true, then the children will be removed for the abusive neglectful parent and placed with the other parent permanently, and any and all future visits (if they are awarded/approved) will be supervised. No support is taken away from either parent. They will share in the financial support of the children equally. If the parents can not co exist civilly in the childrens presence, then one parent has custody for 6 months out of the year, and the other parent has custody for the next 6 months out of the year to be divided in agreement between the parties. The parent who has the children for their 6 months, will provide for these children and their needs on their own. The other parent will do the same during their 6 months of physical custody. #12. Parents who have been found guilty of abuse/neglect by the poponderence of the evidence, shall have their children removed from their care and placed with a qualified family member and be given the same services that the parents would be offered and/or the foster caregiver would be given to help them provide for these children. If no such family member is available, then foster and adoption services may be an option. The guilty abusive/neglectful parents, must face conse-quences for the harm they caused their children. They must also be ordered to not have any more children and if they do, then these children will be removed from their custody at birth. #13. False reporting. When an anonomous call is placed to a CPS agency; the caller should be traced to find out their identity by the dept. The allegations the caller makes needs to be investigated, but if it is found that the caller made up these allegations to get even with a neighbor or family member, they are immediately arrested and fined for making these false allegations. It is thought that people will be afraid of retaliation from the people they have reported and wont report abuse to anyone. Not so. The dept. may know who reported these allegations, but they do not have to disclose the callers identity to anyone, and will only do so if it is found that the caller was false reporting and committed a crime by doing so. Then the callers identity will be disclosed during their trial and sentencing. Most people who are reporting abuse and neglect concerns, will give their names, and some will ask that their identity not be disclosed to the party they are calling about. But, they feel it is their duty and responsibility to report these things none the less and will, especially when they know they are telling the truth and are genuinely concerned for the children. It will put a stop to fraudulent reports, and serious reports will be duly investigated and dealt with accordingly. #14. Those workers, Judges, Magistrates, Lawyers, Gals, Foster parents, etc... that have abused families, trafficked children for money, made false allegations, falsified documents, paid for untrue diagnosiss from therapists that would weigh on their side, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, made to pay restitution to the families they have hurt, and to never be allowed to work in a position involving children again. #15. If children are removed from their homes because their is a suspicion of abuse and neglect, and it is uncertain as of yet (pending the investigation) that the children have been abused and or neglected, and felt that it may be unsafe to leave the child(ren) in the home until the investigation is completed, then children who are temporarily placed in foster care (pending the investigation) shall have daily contact with their families (supervised until the investigation is concluded) not once or twice a month, for one to two hours a visit. If no abuse or neglect happened, then it is damaging these childrens emotional well being and stability to keep them separated from their families. Its no different than a hostage situation. The parents and family members are told what they can and can not say to the child(ren), arent allowed to be normal with their children, cant ask or answer questions for their children, etc... or they risk having their visits taken away and never having any contact with their children at all. This is not in the best interest of the child, and is devastating to the child and to the family. Well Ms. Jones; this is some of what I feel needs to be addressed and changed. I am sure that others have more than I have thought of to add. You let me know what you think about what Ive written here. Or, if I am totally off the mark as to what your were wanting to be said okay. I do agree with you, we do need a formula put together to propose a definite workable change. A better alternative to the broken system we now have. Karen Baumann (face book - Karen Riley) On Friday, November 1, 2013 9:36 PM, Lisa Jones wrote: #yiv6257527171 a.yiv6257527171thumb:link, #yiv6257527171 a.yiv6257527171thumb:visited {border:1px #CCCCCC solid !important;}#yiv6257527171 a.yiv6257527171thumb:active, #yiv6257527171 a.yiv6257527171thumb:hover {border:1px #3B5998 solid !important;}Facebook Lisa Jones posted in We The People Family Preservation Congressional Educational Panel 2014 Lisa Jones Lisa Jones asked LET EXPLORE EVERY ONES IDEA OF WHAT NEEDS CHANGED WITHIN OUR FAMILY COURT SYSTEM....AND PLEASE STATE A SOLLUTION TO THE CHANGE YOU FEEL NEEDS DONE.... View Post on Facebook · Edit Email Settings · Reply to this email to add a comment.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 07:13:25 +0000

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