I agreed to support some of my friends (on and off Facebook) by - TopicsExpress


I agreed to support some of my friends (on and off Facebook) by boycotting Black Friday. Heres my issue with this. It will not work. Let us not forget that we are a minority. The issues we are facing keep happening because we are not realistic and we do not actually sit and think. We get upset and react. HAD WE SAT AND THOUGHT....we wouldve remembered that if we dont spend, they still will. News flash. For the most part...if youre not black, youre not upset right now. You dont even understand the frustration. Youre probably prepping for Thanksgiving, Black Friday...hanging out somewhere...working...carrying on with life as if nothing happened. This is just another news headline to other people. Black people we are not being oppressed by anyone but ourselves. We choose not to pay attention. We choose to support the defamation of our people on VH1, MTV, and the like. We choose to idolize people who admit to not caring about their fellow man...YOUNG THUG. We choose to bully our brothers and sisters because of their complexion...light skin vs dark skin? Really? We choose to remain mentally enslaved. Dont like being treated like a nigga? Stop supporting shows that portray you as one. Dont like being embarrassed by the VERY FEW faces representing us in the public eye? Stop giving them a platform! (YOUNGTHUGYOUNGTHUGYOUNG THUG!) Dont like racism? Stop being racist to your OWN people! When you think about it..its really not that difficult. If each of us acknowledge that we are responsible for ourselves and how we treat our own kind...others will follow. My Nana told me if your room is a mess when you invite friends over, they will add to the mess. If it is clean, they will try not to make a mess. If we treat each other like animals, they will treat us like animals. If we treat each other with respect, inspire one another, and make each other proud...others will respect us, be inspired by us, and be PROUD of us. (They will ADMIT that they want to be us...but thats a wholeeeee other topic!!!) Stop rioting. Stop protesting. Learn who your local leaders are...(shouldnt be hard if you voted...again. WHOOOOOOOLEEE other topic). Contact them. Express your ideas on how to solve issues IN YOUR COMMUNITY. If we all fight our own battles, we will win this war. Yes. This is what war looks like in 2014. P.S I dont even understand why were still fighting for rights & justice in a country we never asked to be in...Now were so disconnected from home that we cant go back. Were stuck here. African American? PLEASE! (but again...whooolleee other topic)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:57:42 +0000

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