I always hear people complain, and yes, we witness all these bad - TopicsExpress


I always hear people complain, and yes, we witness all these bad things happening, and their answer and opinions always, God is not real, if he was real, why does he allow these things to happen. The reason is, its all part of the prophecy of the end of times, we humans are not going to live in this planet forever, everything has a beginning and an end. Scientifically, this planet is not going to last forever, once the sun dies, which is a star, it will be the end of this planet. Unfortunately, everything will end sooner than that, possibly, or during the last moments of the sun. Yes, scientist say that there are other dimensions, they are correct, in this world, its a physical world, so we see the physicalness about it, but when we leave this body, we are going to be able to see what we couldnt in this world, imagine how outer space is going to look like, I bet it will look amazing, unfortunately only astronouts are going to be able to compare this. The son of God, Jesuschrist said, he is not of this world, which means, we are not of this world either, we are only here temporary. He gave us an opportunity to live in this world, its great, in the end of times, everything is going to be bad, its only going to get worst. Violence is going to increase, weather changes is going to be dramatic, there will be wars, intill the anti Christ brings peace, which is only temporary. Part of the prophecy in revelation in the bible. So when we start witnessing this destruction, do not be trouble, and dont get mad at God, Its Part Of The End Of Time, Hes Giving US Opportunity To See With Our Own Two Eyes, His Prophecys come truing, so that we can believe. Pretty much, I believe hes giving opportunity to the unbelievers to be saved, by watching his word, prophecy come true. When we see the destruction happening, it means that God, the Son Of God will be here very soon. He can arise any time he wants, hes just giving opportunities, he has his plans, and hes following it. We are in the end of times, and according to the prophecy, everything is only going to get worst. Which means he will be here soon. If this bad behavior keeps happening, people killing cops, cops killing people, Marshall law will be around the corner everyone, and the fema camps are ready, which means the mark of the beast and the anti Christ is around the corner. Revelation prophecy from the bible.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:59:15 +0000

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