I always knew he wouldnt be charged and I borrowed something said - TopicsExpress


I always knew he wouldnt be charged and I borrowed something said and the the State of the Union address that had a couple of lies, but this one stands out the most; Johnson Keith “The shadow of crisis has passed and the State of the Union is strong!” May I digress, Mr. President? Workforce participation is at an anemic 62% (the lowest since Jimmy Carter), a record 12 million Americans have dropped out of the workforce equation (thus the fictional 5.6 jobless rate), black unemployment is the highest in 30 years and black home ownership is at its lowest level in 20 years, welfare recipients have nearly doubled to 47 million since 2008, median household income has dropped by $4,000, the national debt has skyrocketed by 7.5 trillion dollars – more than the first 42 Presidents combined, a law-mandated budget has not been passed since Barack Obama took office, the FED is pumping 40 billion a month into our markets, business closings are now outpacing new openings, Democrats have stonewalled the Keystone Pipeline costing Americans countless jobs and increased energy independence, Americas infrastructure has been woefully neglected and requires immediate renovation, Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber admitted the White House deceived the American people and the Supreme Court, millions of Americans have lost their health insurance because of the individual/employer mandate, Obamacare will cause insurance premiums to rise by an average of 41%, Free Speech and the Right to Bear Arms are under attack by radical statists, federal agencies are targeting Christian conservatives and liberty lovers as part of a political vendetta, the President has repeatedly bypassed Congress and the Constitution by unilaterally creating new legislation, our borders – like our sovereignty and immigration laws – are being abandoned so Democrats can tip the electoral scales and stuff the ballot box, our government is transporting criminally and medically unvetted illegal immigrants all across America and giving them free benefits, once eradicated or subdued diseases like measles, mumps, and Enterovirus 68 are reemerging due to Obama’s open border policy, Muslim extremism is on the rise in America, Europe, and the Middle East, ISIS and Boko Haram continue to commit mass murder, Washington is suing states for banning Sharia Law, over 200 loyal and decorated officers have been purged from the military in lieu of Obama’s New World Order, over 50,000 veterans are homeless and millions continue to suffer from lack of competent and urgent care, race relations are at their worst point in over half a century, our President, the DOJ and the media have exploited race and incited racial animosity/violence for political gain, the government continues to act with impunity by impeding criminal investigations into Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the IRS Scandal, and Obamacare fraud, liberals are fueling Global Warming hysteria/regulation despite the fact the Arctic ice cap is now larger than it was in 1990, and Barack Obama continues to spend far more time and money fulfilling his radical agenda than telling the truth, honoring the Constitution, and defending the rights of all Americans. Apparently “strong” has a new definition: An imaginary state of mind where Marxist unicorns slide down racist rainbows and poop secular gold coins so the masses won’t bother thinking for themselves as America is systematically destroyed within.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 19:53:44 +0000

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