I always tell people Panama tests you to make sure that you really - TopicsExpress


I always tell people Panama tests you to make sure that you really mean it when you say you want something. Many foreigners come to Panama and give up after a few months because they are used to having everything handed to them and everything being convenient. This morning, I had to drive to 3 different pharmacies and spent 1.5 hours at the vet with my dog (add another hour there for traffic) just to get exams for my dog and to get a medication that the entire country has run out of. Frequently medications and many other things run out. You have to drive to about 5-6 different places to see if they have those things you are looking for and even then, 1/2 may be at one place and 1/2 may be at the other. So my entire morning up until now 9am-2:20pm was spent just trying to take my dog to the vet to get blood tests done and to buy one medication (that has to be refrigerated mind you, in tropical heat). I just wink at Panama and go yeah, I really mean it that I want this, so Im not going to quit. Its the perfect training ground for leadership and remembering how good the Western world has it. At the same time there are things about Panama that the western world does not have. And those things I wouldnt trade! Theres an energy here that is indescribable and thats why I host my retreats here and it has become a hallmark of my brand and business. Its utterly transformational. There are places here that still have virgin rainforest. There is beauty here that is unrivaled. So Panama, I love you, even if you test the hell out of me sometimes. Thanks for making me stronger, more compassionate and more patient.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:23:10 +0000

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