I am 60 years old. At 55 my life was shattered-my husband of - TopicsExpress


I am 60 years old. At 55 my life was shattered-my husband of thirty-two years passed. He was my life-an international lawyer, Diplomat, and Colonel in the Marine Corps. We had three children, lived in Vienna, Austria, and traveled around the world. We had parties and went to state functions. This life was over. Now, there was a dining room table filled with papers and I didnt know what to do, except to cry. My heart was broken. How can I live without him? Eventually I went to see my doctor, Dr. Gennaro. She told me about an energy work demonstration in her office. As I sat in the back of the room, LeRoy picked up on my energy. I told him My name is Deborah and my husband passed, and then came the tears. After, I decided to sign up for an EWBP Workshop. I felt anxious and did not know if I could do this or if it would work. LeRoy said all you have to do is say, Apply. That is what I did: apply! Everyone began noticing a shift in me-I felt nothing. After the two-day workshop I reached out and started to make phone calls and there was less crying. I felt more alive-I realized I did feel the shift. I worked on myself daily and used the clearing protocols whenever a life issue occurred. Yes, EWBP is working and I can do it. At one of the several workshops I attended, I met one of LeRoys mentors, Gary Niki, who said to me is your husband dead or alive? You are acting like he is still alive. How long do you want to hold on to this? They both worked on me to find root causes and to find my true self. The root issue was that for thirty-two years I was living my husbands life and not my own. Once this was cleared my life changed-all sadness and grief went away like a wave. Now, I was ready to life MY life. I really started to live, taking different classes and doing clearings every day on myself and others. I am no longer Deborah whose husband passed! I am a certified Angel messenger on the radio, and have my own business and meet-up group. I am now a Reverend. I feel wonderful, with everyday being full of love and joy. My purpose is to live MY life, spread love and joy through out the world, and help other people get to their true self. Thank you LeRoy for EWBP, and seeing something I had inside me that I could not see myself.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 11:25:00 +0000

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