I am Black, proudly representing a community that is living below - TopicsExpress


I am Black, proudly representing a community that is living below a standard that is appropriate for one of the riches societies ever seen. I bear witness to the cross stares of passers-by that question my gait and smile in open space. I am subject to the stereotype of aggressive, single-minded, hoodlums broadcasted on televisions in commercials, movies, and shows. I am misrepresented by an age group that thinks that I am both incoherent of the times past and disrespectful to the legacy of change. For all intents and purposes, I, as well as many dark skinned Americans (Black, African, Arab, Asian, and Latino), feel separated from the struggle of others due to divisions based on skin color, wealth, and social status. When will we wake up and realize that the struggle of one mistreated person is the struggle for all people that never want to be mistreated? When will we offer the peace and prosperity that follows terrific education and dialogue in society? When will the love for life, the love for existence, and the passion to give in accordance to what you have received be the language of the American people? I am American, born and bred, who feels a great reward for being in the presence of so many wonderful people. I also recognize that many of these people are truly wishing for the demise of our way of life, or at least that ideal that we used to strive for, a way that is described as Equality for all men. I hope for an America where stereotypes are really put to a test and challenged. I wish for an America that stuffs prejudices in the furnace where it belongs. I dream that our country will stand up to those that fight the weak, the lame, and the blind. We should do this immediately, less we become of the weak, meek, and disenchanted ones do to our own destruction. In my faith we have a saying, “God will not change the situation of a man lest he change what is in his heart”, which is what I ask of you all today. You have within you a power. Most of us have been aware of this power at some point in our lives, mostly as children, and maybe sometimes when you are working towards a dream. The power is called imagination and creativity. Imagining something that you want, stirs up intrigue in your heart, and that creative spirit turns the thought into words, and our bodies and minds carry out the action. Most of us dont believe or realize that we are part of the problem. The most important reason is because we dont realize that we are wholly responsible for everything that you see. We need to listen to what people say about us, because the words are true from the outsiders perspective, and is insightful to understanding what we cannot see ourselves. Or, should I say, what we try to plainly hide from ourselves. Those men who have reach fame entertaining the medias masses, are looking for a way hide, further, the plight of the communities that they have come for. IT IS TRUE that those successful folks dont do enough for their communities, because they are just trying to survive in their own lives, without thinking about the larger legacy of the people that they came from, or even the future of their progeny. We cannot blame this on our successful parties. The problem lies in the communal mindset. We feel that our existence is not positive; therefore when positive things come to us we leave our perceived negative locations. We have to turn our communities into positive and encouraging environments. We have to create a culture where everyone is successful, not just those that have escaped. WE have turned our current reality into a jail, by which we are the doorkeepers. For this, I am 100% dedicated to clearly defining my mindset during the journey of my successes, not fully realized as of yet, and to dictate that to those that desire to know how to change this miserable situation of an entire race of people. I plan on being a voice, and motivating other successful voices, to rise up and show the next generation what is possible. I want this world to truly awaken, to become aware that we are all connected. I want every little child, especially those disadvantaged all over the world, kids that could grow up as we have, miserable and confused, to know that they are not controlled or slaves to no one, and that they have the power to change this reality if they but believe they can. They, we, all of us, regardless of color have the power. WE have God. We dont need hospitals only. We need the entire system to recognize the power and genius of every human. That system is only in our heads; therefore we will have to change how we think of ourselves. Black men and women need to stop associating the color of their skin with disadvantage. The disadvantage is only in the mind of those disadvantaged. When we stop making excuses for our skin, when we stop feeling ashamed of our skin, when we stop trying to be black or white and just be US things improve. A Lion and Lioness doesnt care what lambs say. Lions don’t make excuses for his nature. Lions are who they are. They are power. They make decisions. They die by their decisions. They protect each, from outsiders, and protect other lion outsiders from hyenas and jackals. Right now we are not lions. We are not sheep. We havent even been born. We havent yet decided to take responsibility for who we are. We are still blaming events that we have no control over presently for our present condition; therefore we dont deserve a spirit of power. Do we want to be Lions? Then Act like it. I am not waiting for a leader. I am a leader. I am here and you are here and we should not wait for anyone. If we want it we have to create it. God will have it no other way. Only those that put in the effort and whole-heartedly believe will succeed. There is no try. There is no fail. WE will do this. Charles Galloway San Diego, May 16 Peace and Blessings Everyone
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 20:53:57 +0000

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