I am! I am! I am a child of God! These words are oftentimes - TopicsExpress


I am! I am! I am a child of God! These words are oftentimes uttered during weekly conversations with friends, family, and possibly a few acquaintances. If a survey were to be administered on today to these individuals who have professed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and those results were based primarily upon their lifestyles, needless to ask, do you think the decorum of these individual lifestyles would be well- pleasing unto our Father which art in heaven? Now is a good time for us to re-examine ourselves and see if the life that we are living is indicative to that of a Christian and is in alignment with whom we were created to be. I pray that the universal church as a whole knows that we are created to serve Jehovah God. There is a cliche that states, One can make ones mouth say anything! However, James 1:22 says: But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Let us as representatives of Jesus Christ exemplify the lifestyle that is conducive to that of royalty. 1Peter 2:9 part a states: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people. Brethren, let us not continually allow adverse circumstances to dethrone our sonship as children of the King. We are somebody in Jesus Christ! You and I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! What an awesome price was paid on Calvarys cross! Jesus died for sinners like you and me!Therefore, as we implement our individual self-examinations, let there be an urgency to cast aside those things that do not promote and enhance good godly kingdom living. If you say you are a child of God, then show some sign! God loves you. Be blessed, First Lady Bettye Davis.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 04:03:34 +0000

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