I am NOT anti-Semitic. I am NOT anti-Catholic I am NOT - TopicsExpress


I am NOT anti-Semitic. I am NOT anti-Catholic I am NOT racist, no matter what the race. To paraphrase author Richard Hooker, author of M*A*S*H, surgeon cuts a hole in a they all look the same on the inside. Indeed. But I am pissed off. I am at this moment listening to Dirty Laundry, by Don Henley. It should, imho, be required listening and paper writing in every journalism school in the country. So, the News Directors of KCTV5, KMBC, and KSHB (the CBS, ABC, and the NBC affiliates in Kansas City, respectively) and their copywriters should listen up and the bubble headed bleach blonds they write for. Attend: What happened at the Jewish Community Center in Overland Park the day Passover started WAS a tragedy. Of course the irony here is so thick a diamond tipped saw could not cut it. Allegedly the shooter, armed with a shotgun - and maybe a pistol and uh, an assault rifle, according to Overland Park Police Chief shortly after the shootings. (Shawnee Mission School District, you hired the now retired Police Chief and I, as a former elected official, strongly recommend that you should send the Chief to a crisis management seminar. If all the poor man can say is assault rifle in the face of some sort of tragedy, yall gonna have a big problem on your hands.) But I digress. Further, allegedly, according to online news sources, the shooter was a member of long standing with the Armys 75th Infantry Regiment, aka, the Rangers. He, fortunately did not represent his old special ops qualified unit too well. Apparently armed to the teeth he managed to kill two Protestants and a Catholic when, if his goal was to kill Jews on the eve of Passover, he was, as some fighter pilots have been known to say, in a target rich environment. Entering the Jewish Community Center armed as the OP Police Chief said - his statement picked up and ran by at least CNN & MSN - the slaughter that could have happened is unimaginable. Firing his select fire assault rifle on full auto - my Great God in Heaven! The walls and floors of the Center would have run red! But our former Army Ranger did no storming, apparently used a shotgun, type unknown, and eschewed his pistol and assault rifle. The same day of this tragedy, that demanded almost all the local stations news holes - the amount of news that can be used between commercial breaks - two apparently non-English speaking men were shot while traveling on the Interstate in Kansas city, Ks. The driver managed to drive to the ER of the University of Kansas Hospital where the passenger died and the driver was in apparently critical condition. The next day there was a multi-jurisdictional news conference: The OP Police Chief, the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI for the Eastern District of Kansas/Western District of Missouri, there may have been a mayor or sheriff tucked in there and OH, the Johnson County Prosecutor and possibly the Federal Prosecutor for the Eastern District of Kansas. All the local stations interrupted programming to carry the news conference when the FBI stud, firmly in control of the proceedings kept answering all reporters questions, even the simplest with, I cant comment on that for evidentiary reasons. But you know what? There was no multi-jurisdictional news conference for the two guys shot while traveling on a Federal Highway. There was no televised funeral services. They were less than a 30 second blip on the teleprompter. So, tonight, I am watching KCTV5 - purely by accident because their male bubble headed bleach blond has problems in understanding what he is presenting, IMHO. And yet another story about the unfortunate, talented, teenager and his grandfather, Protestants shot by an apparent racist at the Jewish Community Center. Let me take this moment to say the shooter was a moron who left the scene, according to video footage of the Fox affiliate, WDAF, clearly yelling Heil Hitler! Although the officials could neither confirm nor deny that the shooter made any statements following his arrest. Idiots. Either yesterday, Monday or today, surveillance cameras caught the shooting of a African American man in his car, stopped at a gas pump at a convenience store. Oh yeah, the shooter, it appears, had to shoot from the passenger side of the vehicle IN FRONT of the mans two sons. One unharmed except for the life long memory of seeing his father die violently. The other son got his lung and spine clipped. They say, while temporarily paralyzed the 10 year should recover, except of course for that memory seared into his consciousness. Again, no multi-jurisdictional news conference carried live. None of the network affiliates virtually stopped their ordinary newscasts to examine this tragedy, no backgrounders on the family or the neighborhood. No attention paid either to the two shot on the Interstate or this man and his son by the President of the United States. I sincerely doubt there will be a live, televised event of the mans memorial. Just another day for the Kansas City, Missouri PD in the combat zone. Oh, some of the stations did carry some footage featuring the 10 year old, I imagine cause he is cute. But still, neither the kid, nor his brother nor his dead father are going to get the sympathetic media coverage like that that that comes from the wealthy south end of Overland Park. Something stinks in your newsrooms. I doubt whether Febreeze can take care of it. Compassion, maybe. But it dont pay the stockholders dividends nor win journalism awards. Excuse me, now. I need to throw up. Messes up the keys on the computer if I do it over the keyboard. But before I go...SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! And if you have ask why then Don Henley in his song has you pegged.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 04:01:22 +0000

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