I am Richard And I hope this get to its destination ARE YOU A - TopicsExpress


I am Richard And I hope this get to its destination ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN? I am, although perhaps not in the most traditional sense of the word. If you ask three people what it means to be a Christian, you will get three different answers. Some feel being baptized is sufficient. Others feel you must accept the Bible as immutable historical fact. Still others require a belief that all those who do not accept Christ as their personal savior are doomed to hell. Faith is a continuum, and we each fall on that line where we may. By attempting to rigidly classify ethereal concepts like faith, we end up debating semantics to the point where we entirely miss the obvious-that is, that we are all trying to decipher lifes big mysteries, and were each following our own paths of enlightenment. I consider myself a student of many religions and school of thoughts. The more I learn, the more questions I have. For me, the spiritual quest will be a life-long work in progress. My name is Richard and to me there are two paths in life,the good and the bad. Within us we know what they constitute. Gradually sipping the liquid from a green bottle and listen to a music that gets me thinking imagine by john lennon I ask you this question,what if everything youve heard about christianity,heaven and hell were all true? Going down memory lane,the history of Christianity concerns the Christian religion, its followers and the Church with its various denominations, from the first century to the present. Christianity became common to all of Europe in the Middle Ages and expanded throughout the world during Europes Age of Exploration from the Renaissance onwards to become the worlds largest religion. Today there are about 2 billion Christians, one third of humanity. Christianity divided into the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church in the Great Schism of 1054. The Protestant Reformation split the Roman Catholic Church into many different denominations. During its early history, Christianity grew from a 1st-century Jewish following to a religion that existed across the entire Greco-Roman world and beyond. Early Christianity may be divided into 2 distinct phases: the apostolic period, when the first apostles were alive and led the Church, and the post-apostolic period, when an early episcopal structure developed, and persecution was periodically intense. The Roman persecution of Christians ended in AD 313 when Constantine the Great adopted the religion, and who in 325 instituted it as the Roman Empires state religion following the First Council of Nicaea, the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils. Today in our 21st century,the issue of christianity have been on everyones lips with them saying all sort of things to deter the sacred said deity. Some of them were/are....... 1. Jesus is not God; he was only a man until the fourth century, when he was deified by the emperor, Constantine. 2. Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. 3. She is to be worshiped as a goddess. 4. Jesus got her pregnant, and the two had a daughter. That daughter gave rise to a prominent family line that is still present in Europe today. 5. The Bible was put together by a pagan Roman emperor. and Gospels have been edited. 6. There is a secret society known as the Priory of Sion. that still worships Mary Magdalene as a goddess and is trying to keep the truth alive thus some people wait endless for this truth to be unveiled thus know where to fit in. If the claims were true, then all forms of Christianity would be false but solemly I tell you,the truth is near,there is a God and there is christianity. Today most people go to church not because they acknowledge God but because they fear hell which they dont believe in. When Dantes inferno was published,the church welcomed a large number of people and this would be accounted to Dantes hell and the very way he made it scary. Research has it that people dont turn away from God because they want to but because their expectations are not met. Businesses and special attention given to different people in churches is disgusting. This special attention or the church being used as a medium to make ends meet is quite one of the various reasons people leave the church. A situation where a man with ill gotten wealth gets the front seat in a church or where someone publicly flaunts his wealth and later on given a title in church. What a shame!!!. Passages in the Bible have spoken and I am here saying to the few that will read this,humility opens much more doors than anticipated. What makes one a pastor,priest or evangelist today? Quote the bible,speak in tongues,ability to shout and convince people to join your ministry. And actually it is helping out,but I am more concerned in you who has lost faith in the existence of a power beyond compression,a power that has been under pressure from the very beginning,come to think of it,evil is not contended but the truth will always be. The truth is God. Going to church is not a criteria for going to heaven but it is really a grease to ease frictions along the way, i have come to notice that the bible does not tell a lie but it contains a lot of secrets. The trend in most churches today surprise me that without a pastor being able to make people fall by waving his handkerchief or killing his microphone with mouth odor all in the name of passing the holy ghost he/she is not known or a man of God. ......SMH seriously..... The church has a lot of secrets this we know,but if you could believe in God like we believed that our parents were the one who gave birth to us then the world will be a better place leaving you with nothing but good. Believe it or not you have nothing to loose when you make him you MD. Forget about those that bath with ash, put on rags,walk singly or even do absurd things all in the name of being meek. Those are lies and misconception of the scripture. For my friends who go to church and acknowledge him,this is for you....... Christian life is lived in relationship with God through, in common with other Christians, seeking to deepen that relationship and to follow the way that Jesus taught. Central to that relationship is knowing we can trust God. Saint Paul says at the end of the eighth chapter of his letter to the Church in Rome, if God is for us, who can be against us? And this is the heart of faith. How do we know that God is for us? Because Jesus Christ, the one human being who is completely in tune with God ,with what God wants and what God is doing - has carried the burden of our human betrayals of God and running away from goodness. He has let himself be betrayed and rejected, executed in a humiliating and agonising way, and yet has not turned his back on us. Death did not succeed in silencing him or removing him from the world. He is alive;and that means that his love is alive, having survived the worst we can do. Nothing - says St Paul in the same passage - can separate us from this love. But this isnt an excuse for doing what we like, knowing we can get away with it. Once we know that God is for us, we open up to the gift that God wants to give us - which is a share in his own love and freedom and mercy. We breathe with his breath - thats part of what it means to say that we receive Gods Spirit, which makes us live like Jesus in tune with God. If we have really taken the message in, we shall live lives of selfless generosity,always asking how the gifts given us - material or imaginative or spiritual or whatever - can be shared in a way that brings other people more fully alive. And we shall be able to trust the generosity of others and be free to receive what they have to give us. Generosity, gratitude, confidence that when we fail we are still loved - all of this focused on Jesus life and death and resurrection. Thats where we start in the lifelong job of being a Christian. For my best friends that dont believe or trying to find a fence to sit on, What if there exist a God and a devil? What if there exist a heaven and hell? What if all we hear of heaven and hell is true? My friend,it will be easier for the head of a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for the words you hear today lead you astray. It will cost you nothing to follow him my brother/sister,remember, person wei no go no know. Give christ a chance today and you will appreciate it forever. WHAT IF GOD EXISTS AND ALL HIS PROMISES TRUE,WILL YOU BE FOUND WANTING?
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 09:51:25 +0000

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