I am SO disappointed in this country. This is no longer America. - TopicsExpress


I am SO disappointed in this country. This is no longer America. This is a weak parasite that sucked too hard and killed its host. Its Land of the Shamed and Home of the Sheep. What happened? This country was created by a group of free thinkers, lovers of freedom, and persuers of their own dreams. It was founded on strong will and the desire to live with all of our basic human rights available to us. Since when is it RIGHT for law enforcement officers to be above the LAW that they enforce? They arent any more of a citizen than you or me! Since when is it RIGHT to feed our children GMOs, Hormone pumped, and chemically altered food-like substances that cause cancer, learning disabilities, and Immune system issues? Is it because the government thinks that they can subdue us on the molecular level to better keep us under control? Since WHEN is it RIGHT for the government to be so self absorbed in lining their pockets, all the while turning a blind eye to their citizens who are CRYING out for help? Do they really care so little for their people? Its frustrating and sad. So very sad. Sad that I have to see veterans living on the streets, children without homes, big corrporations controlling most of the available resources, animals slaughtered because they are deemed unworthy due to breed. We can change this! Its not too late. But we cant sit down and wait for it to happen. Hope for the changes that need to be made. We need to work together. Get our voices heard. We are a nation of people, for the people, and by the people, and if we really try we can fix these issues. Remove the scars. Heal this nation that was once so great. This nation thats now nothing more than a mere joke in comparison to what it was and could one day be AGAIN!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 23:36:14 +0000

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