I am Voting FOR Home Rule in Lake Zurich and Here are 25 Reasons - TopicsExpress


I am Voting FOR Home Rule in Lake Zurich and Here are 25 Reasons Why: (After doing my own due diligence) 1. 80% of Illinois RESIDENTS live in Home Rule Communities. 80%!!!!!!! 2. Home Rule for Lake Zurich is DAILY HERALD ENDORSED!!!!! 3. I’m NOT AFRAID of Home Rule for Lake Zurich. Nor should you be. I see NO RISKS for the engaged, intelligent residents of this community. 4. Home Rule DOES NOT RAISE TAXES. What raises taxes is the increasing cost of high quality, high service expectations and demands for new services without an increase in revenue. 5. The Lake Zurich Board and Staff are MORE TRANSPARENT than any Board or Staff in the history of Lake Zurich. 6. I TRUST this Board and Staff. If you don’t like them … vote them out. You can do that! 7. I am CONVINCED that the Village Board and Staff are NOT asking for a “blank check”. If I thought that I wouldn’t vote for it. 8. The Village Board and Staff are doing an EXCELLENT JOB in working to get Lake Zurich out of its legacy financial and development issues. 9. I am comfortable with being able to hold future Village Boards and Staffs accountable for any conduct detrimental to the community. If you pass Home Rule and you don’t like it … vote to rescind it … you can do that … it’s not hard to do. 10. I have TRUST that the residents of Lake Zurich will elect people who will respond to them without consideration of any personal political gain. 11. There is NO EVIDENCE that elected officials in general misuse Home Rule powers. 12. Current Board and Staff have worked to increase the Village credit rating to AAA. 13. Ordinances passed to limit Home Rule powers are not “symbolic” … they are LEGALLY BINDING. 14. There is NO EVIDENCE that municipalities, with Home Rule powers, levied higher taxes than Non-Home Rule municipalities. Just the opposite. 15. Palatine and Schaumburg, both Home Rule communities, recently announced that they will REDUCE THEIR PROPERTY TAX LEVYS: Palatine four years in a row and Schaumburg 5 years in a row ! I am convinced the same can happen in Lake Zurich. 16. SAY WHAT? One LZ Resident and Home Rule opponent is quoted in the Daily Herald : “the village has two options to raise revenues without becoming a home-rule community. No. 1: If it’s a capital expense, pay for it through bonds and pay for it over time … calls for a referendum,” Tarbet said. “No. 2: If they have operating expenses, increase the property tax rate.” WAIT! What did he say?!? This Home Rule opponent wants LZ to take on more debt and increase property taxes?!?!?!? Yes you read it correctly. That is the exact opposite of Home Rule as presented by the Village which is looking to give residents some relief from property taxes. 17. There are NO OVERWHELMINMG DOCUMENTED REASONS to believe that increasing local government powers would cause or lead public officials to become less trustworthy, less responsible, less responsive, less fair or less effective in using their powers or fulfilling their governmentalresponsibilities. 18. I do not buy the FEAR MONGERING of those opposed to Home Rule … nor should you. 19. Those opposed to Home Rule and their supporters have not produced a single shred of documentation to prove or reinforce their fear mongering statements. 20. Not one person opposed to Home Rule has come up with one single suggestion on how to make Lake Zurich better. 21. There is NO DOCUMENTION that an added sales tax will drive away customers. The next statement is a prime example of Home Rule opponents irresponsible “fear mongering” : “added taxes could drive current customers elsewhere, costing sales tax dollars and ultimately jobs, business losses and property taxes as the situation decays. I don’t buy that. It just doesn’t happen. 22. Another opponent says ”businesses and developers will pass any new taxes on to consumers” … the same businesses pass on any non-tax increase of doing business as well and those increases make any potential Home Rule tax look small by comparison. 23. The same opponent says “the village, like homeowners, should live within a budget and cut any frills”. That’s “nice” BUT a bit disingenuous when four out of five individuals have at least one credit card; the average family has an outstanding balance of $10,700; it spends over 20 percent of its monthly income to pay interest on that balance. Imagine what the American economy would look like if families really did live within their means, spending no more than they earned. No debt. No credit. Markets for big-ticket items—homes, automobiles, major appliances—would crash and burn. Countless businesses would go under. The claim that American families live within their means is a nice wish, and people do try, but it is not reality. Two-thirds of the U.S. economy directly relies on consumer spending. If credit went away and people actually did “live within their means” , most Americans’ biggest asset would vanish. Everyone would be “under water” to their lenders. The same goes for cars: At least 88 percent of buyers take out a loan. What would happen if these buyers had to save actual cash money before they could hit the showroom? They wouldn’t buy a car. Air would get cleaner but the economic collapse that began in 2008, which has put one out of five Americans out of work, would accelerate dramatically. 24. I AM NOT CONVINCED THAT opponents of Home Rule have any clue as to why they really oppose Home Rule. Challenge them to prove their point. None of their statements hold up to logic and deeper evaluation. Check out this: pumr.pascalobservatory.org/sites/default/files/Do_Home_Rule_Governments_Work_Better-Curtis_Wood_NIU-CGS_0.pdf 25. HEADLINE: Lake Zurich Unit District 95 critical of proposal to redistribute state education funding” … regarding State bill SB 16: District 95 board member Doug Goldberg labeled Senate Bill 16 as sad and a travesty during a meeting last week. Lets make no mistake, Goldberg said. This is a clear example of the redistribution of wealth. This is the socialization of America at the state level. (Thats) exactly what this is. I get it. And that’s why …. I AM VOTING “FOR” HOME RULE Tom Poynton 30 year Lake Zurich Resident and Taxpayer
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:29:16 +0000

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