I am White, Christian, American and take great pride in all three. - TopicsExpress


I am White, Christian, American and take great pride in all three. I am unapologetic for being born that way. I am who I am and where I am by the grace of God. I am not a poor 3RD world country citizen, I am not an inner city black chick, I am not a Muslim, Hindu, atheist, Islamist, etc. I am who I am. I owe no man or woman an apology for it nor am I indebted to them for it. I owe my all thanks and praise to God. I can see the pain and suffering of those less fortunate. I can acknowledge there is injustice, unrighteous men in the world. I can accept I have been dealt a better lot then some and a worse then others. My heart aches when I see the violence people can do to each other. What I can not accept is being told that I need to sit back and accept what is happening in my country and around the world because as a white Christian American I am the root of the problem. This is reaping the consequences of sin. That anger, violence, murder, theft are a natural response to injustice and one that should not be condemned but welcomed. Violent retribution is accepted, expected, tolerated and even a wholesome welcome sign of national healing. Its not. Its devisive and destructive to us as a nation. Peaceful protest yes. Televised night after night coverage of looting, vandalism, and violence only perpetuates the stereotypical image of the black inner city thugs. Ones so ignorant they destroy their own homes and neighborhoods. You want justice? Then let justice be done. You want a trial by the public based on opinions and feeling? Is that the kind of society we are striving for? There are plenty of nations like that. Good people stand by while evil grows and thrives. Often out of a misguided notion of it being the loving and United way to be. We must let all people express themselves in which ever way feels best to them at the moment. That isnt Gods way. Yes God sent his son so that all may reconciled to him. But he didnt lock arms with the Barabases of the day. He didnt say I understand your pain so lets go burn the market place, kill some Romans and run them back to Italy. He didnt even resist arrest when they came for him. My news feeds have been filled for days with calls for justice for Mike Brown. Calls to arms in a race war.Claims of violence and hatred and racism running rampant in America. Many columns, videos and articles of oppression,enslavement, even of programs of genocide. There is genocide, enslavement and oppression happening. It is happening as I type. Families are being rounded up. Young and old, child and parents, male and female. They are being systemically slaughtered. Raped,beaten, sold into slavery,shot and beheaded. Why? Because the wont convert. Christians, Jews, even other Islamist. This attention on Mike Brown is pushing all other concerns aside. He may have been the perfect choir boy some claim or he may have been a common gang banging thug with a history of violence as others say. The cop may have been a good cop acting in an appropriate manner as some say or he may have been a raging homicidal racist as others say. The truth of either will likely never be known now. The court of public opinion is all that there is left in this case. Neither side will ever believe the other. It is time to shut off the news in Missouri. Turn our eyes halfway across the globe and see real evil and injustice being done. It is time we take to the streets and demand our leader take a stand on these issues. We cant stand by and allow atrocities to continue and an evil power to grow and gain a foothold. If you think the picture of one dead black man in the streets of a little town in America is upsetting, what does the pictures of piles of slaughtered children do? Do you scroll by because its to far away? It doesnt involve you or your loved ones? There is no popular media feeding your guilty feeling, no one blaming you for the conditions over there? Or is it okay because ISIS is fighting to wipe the stain of the white infidel off the face of the earth, is it okay because Christianity has been dominate long enough and some have done wrong in the name of Christ. Is it okay because those Christians are reaping the payment for the sins of other Christians? Is it okay at all? Ever? This is long and rambling but I am tired of opening my news feeds and getting nothing but news on Ferguson Missouri. Opening my Facebook feed and finding it plastered with reposted articles on Missouri. It may seem huge and overwhelming to some , it may be the most significant news to you in years. It may stoke your feeling of anger, or guilt, or superiority, or inferiority or hopelessness or helplessness. It may be just the inability to look away, as in a train wreck. Whatever it is I do not believe it will be healing for America, it will not bring any positive change. It will be a distraction from bigger world problems, it will be a boon for some politicians at election time, and it will be a wedge in race relation in the greater St Louis area and beyond for many years to come. There will be no justice out of this mess, there will be no peace, and there will be no healing. Maybe if we all turned away and quit watching the community could mourn a man, dead to young, the justice system could slowly turn its wheels and some truth may come out (not likely but maybe) maybe if we turned our national energy to the violence, oppression, enslavement happening to our South could we change something there? Or if we demanded action in Iraq or Russia or Israel we could make a difference there.? Maybe if we as a nation raised our collective voices and demanded our leader get off the golf course and face these growing crises he would. And maybe if we looked around and saw what real evil is, what oppression, and genocide looks like we would quit fighting each other. Quit stoking the fires of the racial divide and start building real unity. One that says we Are Americans and proud of it. We are The United States, defenders of the persecuted. We are not perfect, we are human but will never again stand aside and allow a holocaust to happen. Not here,not in central and south America, not in The Ukraine, or Iraq or Syria,or Israel, or North Korea or any other nation.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 22:05:18 +0000

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