I am a Christian, I know what the Lord says about love, hate, - TopicsExpress


I am a Christian, I know what the Lord says about love, hate, vengeance & forgiveness yet where does he say be complacent? Did God not say, “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins”? (Isaiah 58:1). I’m not talking about acting in anger, what is rioting & looting going to do? Nor am I saying to hate those who hate us but we should feel something, right?! A young black boy is dead (AGAIN) and no one has to stand & be held accountable for his death – we should be wailing in the street! This country where you vote and pay taxes is basically saying, “Regardless of the constitution, civil rights & a black president, you colored people are still less than the rest of the human race”. If we do nothing else, at LEAST educate our children. They cannot learn our history from the very people & system that disregards our race. Allow yourselves to feel something, allow yourselves to be outraged and do something, anything to make sure the devil & all in his squad know – We will not be moved, He was one of our children & We are going to fight you to the death before you try to devour our seeds! I pray constantly, and will continue to do so, but remember folks, Martin Luther King was a preacher and even he knew when the time had come to put works behind his faith!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 03:48:56 +0000

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