I am a Planetary Guardians.... I recognize there is a planetary - TopicsExpress


I am a Planetary Guardians.... I recognize there is a planetary emergency that is not being addressed by our species. Errorists have taken over the world and hold it hostage. They take over national banks and then lend money to the governments that can never be repaid. They force large infrastructure projects that desolate a territory into existence at the expense of the people who lived there. They make international agreements that nobody agreed to but them. They distort justice systems to enslave people. They ran the slave trade. They run the major banking systems. They hide their errors by controlling the corporate media. They lie so often people think its the truth. They are beyond the individual on the street or in the fields. They are ruthless. They are always defending themselves against enemies that they created. They have been implementing long term multi generational plans to keep their families in power. They are very intelligent. They track all media sources to identify threats. They know their power comes through maintaining illusions and lies. They hate the truth. They hate true sincerity of the heart. They feed off of the despair of their victims. Their sole decision making apparatus places the value of profit above all things. They never have enough. They bicker among themselves, but maintain a very firm and conscious boundary away from the rest of humanity. They never want to be identified. They never want to be seen. They like the darkness. They hate the Light. They know their time is limited. They know they are breaking Universal Law. They have agents that hunt their enemies. They control the worlds intelligence agencies They want a drugged up population. They want a breakdown of ethics. They hate communities of people in sovereignty and love. They hide behind veils of goodness. They manipulate the masses. Alone I am a Planetary Guardian. Together we are Planetary Guardians. I know there is a Galactic Law. I know that Mother Earth is a live being. I know the ways of the First nations peoples are significant. I know the first nations people, because they lived in truth, in harmony with Mother Earth, have been targeted for extermination. I know that the whites of the planet have been used by the Errorists to inflict their Errorist plans. I know that the races have to unify in love. I know their will be a transition. I know the key is for everyone to wake up to their spiritual heritage. I know true freedom is our spiritual heritage. To be free of that which injures our health. To be free of beliefs that hinder our progress. I am a Planetary Guardian. I am a sovereign being. I know there are other species, off this world, that follow Galactic Law that are watching us. They cannot intervene because of Galactic Law. They know of the Errorists. We, the people, have to claim our heritage. We have to enter the rest of the Galaxy from our quarantine. We have fallen. We have been modified. We are fallen Spiritual masters that have had to see the ERRORS of our ways. The Errorists are great spiritual masters also. They are here to teach us. They are there waiting to be released. Our destinies are intertwined. Stop watching tv. Stop being chem sprayed. Stop fluoridating the water. Stop the wars. Stop the ..... Anything that is not good for the people, the planet, and the rest of the species we live with. This is our time. This is a way. I am a Planetary Guardian. Are you? Let us unite together. Let us build our freedom together
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:34:22 +0000

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