I am a UNIVERSAL Lover of GOD! I love GOD without following a - TopicsExpress


I am a UNIVERSAL Lover of GOD! I love GOD without following a FAITH! It is a bond and a companionship, friendship ~plain and simple within the soft pure HEART! I know GOD as I know my Mother, and my Father! God been with me always... I never had to look for Him...He was always there for me... Religions are a expensive way trying to rich God, in a very in direct hard way... Which can cause some one get lost and astray trying... To much dominions none-sense to learn and to follow that has NOTHING to do with God the LORD! I directly Speak to GOD! I directly know Him to dwell in my HEART! I pray to Him where ever I am at... I speak to Him always not only when I want something from HIM, no even when I just want to talk with someone... I know of Him to be always there! I was given as a Free Lance Writer the Name Huda because I always spoke about God is REAL, ISLAM ,the Beauty of ALLAH(SWT) and my love of Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and the truth lays in QURAN... Do you know that I picked Aminaa because the wise, old man said that He ~ Prophet (saw) was like a good MOTHER ~looking over all MUSLIMS in the UMMAH now...I picked the Name because I literally was watching with Prophet Mohammed(saw) like a Mother over the UMMAH... It is unbelievable Not One Scholar or Contact me!!!! But I had invitations and invitations to be used to support MUSLIM MANs, who suppose to have a GREAT FAITH ~ Iman ***Smile*** Last year I STOP as HUDA AMINAA because all MUSLIM MEN used my Philosophy ,my Meta physical and deep pondering thoughts that was giving to me a the SPIRIT of a REAL life PROPHET (saw)... It is sad so many ISLAMIC Scholars and Imams are MUSLIM by Name only... They like the life style of the materialistic Lifestyle and the LEADERSHIP of our DEEN brought DAMAGE to MUSLIM individual... So many are weak at their FAITH~ Iman because of weak and unfaithful IMAMS and Scholars... I am a Non-Muslims who got inspired by GODS Last Messenger(pbuh), and He taught me to be a really, true MUSLIM...And in the modern Islamic Deen MUSLIMs should return to be just MUSLIM... Because if the Follow a Sect or Group they are dividing themself out of the sacred Brothrhood that just MUSLIMS share amongs Muslims... insha Allah
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 00:09:01 +0000

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