I am a WBFF Pro Diva Fitness Model. Long since the dream, it - TopicsExpress


I am a WBFF Pro Diva Fitness Model. Long since the dream, it is still so surreal to believe its the reality. Ive spent the last few days just walking on clouds trying to wrap my brain around it all... How far Ive come, how incredible it feels, the serendipitous weekend that enveloped the entire event, and all the implications of what now. I wanted to thank, from the bottom of my heart, every single person that has been a part of this journey, who has cheered me on, lifted me up, promoted me, encouraged me, driven me forward... Even those that told me I never could, never should, and never would. All of you are the icing layers in this crazy life cake (yes, food is still very much on my mind... Mmmmm frosting...) lol! I want to thank Paul Dillett & Allison Dillett for creating this incredible dream, this incredible aspiration, this incredible family. I can honestly say that the people I have met within this federation, in all areas... Backstage, through social media, at events... These people are the most inspiring, beautiful, driven, motivated athletes I have ever known, and I am so honoured to call them family. I want to thank my coach. There are no words boss. I was battling a rebound and going through huge life changes and you revived me. You know all this cause Im a big mush and have told you endlessly how grateful I am lol! But everyone aught to know that my coach, Nathan Harewood really is the reason I am where I am. Hes the no-nonsense, no-bs, no-sugar-coating kick in the pants I needed to sort my life out after last years post-show rebound. He was patient when needed, always honest, called me on my shit, and never once made me think I was an after-thought. He surpassed all my expectations and I am honoured to have him as my coach, and dear friend. To my sponsor, Magnum Nutraceuticals, I am so honoured to be part of such a killer team, an industry leader in all that we do, a top-shelf integrity, high-efficacy, amazing product line that fuelled my prep, and promoted my success. Our team is jam packed with top-level athletes that constantly inspire me and motivate me to push harder, be better, and do more. Thank you for all that you are, and all that you do! To my designer, Rebecca McKenzie, you are my fairy godmother, the creator of my alter egos for stage, the sparkle in my step, the reason I am able to do all that I do. I have said it before and Ill say it always, you & me girl, since day one! I couldnt have done it without you, and wouldnt dream of ever doing it without you. You make it all possible. I am so grateful to have found you, to have shared these seasons, and cant fricken wait to see you in Vegas! To my home base gym, World Gym FSJ, and all the FSJ peeps, you guys are amazing! Thank you for welcoming me with open arms, for making my prep so positive, and for being so amazing during the long road back to the stage! I adore you guys and cant wait to get home after Vegas to see all your lovelinesses again! xo To my Vic City fitfam, my local gym for lifting - BDHQ, my fave spot for classes & group training - Studio 4 Athletics, my hot yoga zen spot - Hudson Yoga, and all the trainers and lifters of the best coast, you guys have made this part of my prep absolutely amazing! It has been such a pleasure, and such a treat to immerse myself in my health & fitness practices with no distractions, and be surrounded by such top-notch people. You all motivate, inspire, encourage, and uplift me endlessly. I wish I could have the best of both worlds and be here always. Thank you for being you! Im so looking forward to the next couple weeks of grinding it out here with you all as I prep for my Pro Debut in Vegas at WBFF Worlds 2014. To my family, you are amazing. Mumma you have the patience of a saint. You know how much I love you, even when Im hangry. I couldnt have done it without you. And I feel so blessed that we got to share not one, but both amazing seasons together! Dad, you are my rock, and the reason I am a force. You always cheered for me to be a powerful woman and live life on my own terms. I am forever grateful. Cant wait to get back up north with you and the bros! My brothers, I know you guys think Im more of a dude than both of you. And I love you anyway! lol To my friends, my chosen family. Gosh, you guys just mean it all to me. All of you that choose to be in my life and love me for me, in all my goofy, silly, completely imperfect chaos, I love you to the moon and back! Alicia Hut and Shevaun Elizabeth, you two absolutely rock my world! Being there to cheer for me, all the support & encouragement leading up to the show, and all the post-show, stiletto-strutting, appy-indulging, late-night shenanigans. You guys really made the whole night what it was - magical! Alicia there arent even words girl! Our Sunday festivities will go down in the history of my memory as the greatest random day ever! Im so grateful you were there to share it with me! Cheers to the days that are so great you dont even have photos! Erica Ap you, my lovely, I dont even know what to say, you are a force! And your enthusiasm for life is so positively infectious, you made my last few weeks of prep an absolute joy! Love you to bits and bits! Sara C A Turner I couldnt not mention you! Even though I know you rather I say all my thank yous in person :) Love you to bits Beany! There are so many amazing people that cheered me on, I want to keep going but I know Ill forget someone and feel horrible, so I need to stop and just say, thank you, to all my friends, you all know who you are, and I love you all! To bits and bits! Thank you for being the incredible, beautiful yous! And to all my new WBFF Pro family, it is a huge honour. HUGE. You all are my inspirations. You are who I look to when I set out to improve upon myself, you raise the bar year after year, and I cant even believe I am now a part of it all. I promise to do all that I can, to be all that I can, so as to be a positive contribution to the team of mentors that continue inspiring new athletes to Dare to Dream. All my love
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:25:51 +0000

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