I am a huge Google fan. I love all their products. Today, I sent - TopicsExpress


I am a huge Google fan. I love all their products. Today, I sent this to them (press@google) ************ Dear Google: Please pass this onto whomever in Google it needs to go to. I love Google. I love its innovation and its products. I was excited when the Chromebook came out and bought one. I have an Android phone. My whole family uses Android and Chrome. Unfortunately, the partnership with the NSA, has left a sour taste in my mouth. I am disappointed that Google did not do as Lavabit did. See this article: theguardian/technology/2013/aug/08/lavabit-email-shut-down-edward-snowden#start-of-comments Google is very powerful. Had Google one what Lavabit did, Google could of put the NSA on its head. Now its like Google is helping the NSA defy the constitution. Oh, see this article: theguardian/world/2013/aug/06/justice-department-surveillance-dea Google Helped the NSA undermine the US Constitution. Americans did not get their due process. I am going to slowly leave Google products now. My Google exodus, sadly, begins today. Going to have to go back to the "paper" way of keeping track of my stuff. I will be telling my family and friends to do so also. When our smartphone contract is up ... my family will not buy another. I will get something simple since this is the only alternative people who value the constitution and privacy can do.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 04:02:54 +0000

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