I am a laid back simple sort of person who loves to live life to - TopicsExpress


I am a laid back simple sort of person who loves to live life to the fullest. I can derive energy from little things in life. One thing is very prominent in me that is I dont give up on something or someone so easily. Whatever I started I had to finish it no matter what. That is why I dont regret anything in life. I will never look back and try to retain what I left in the past. For learning of life I do halt and realize but I never cease to walk. If I dont get it or find it, I usually dont lose heart, as I did my best and that is how I get my consolation. I am not an escapist. I would withstand my biggest fear. I am analytical in nature and can assess people well. I usually dissect and go inside the root of the problem. I am a great friend. Friends are very important for me. Life is impossible without them. I counsel and suggest them as and when they need me. I dont penetrate my nose into other peoples business until and unless I care and only if they wish it. I can accept people as they are and not try to alter them. Every single person is unique in their own ways. I am a discreet sort of person. I hate making my personal things public. I am too proud to show my weaknesses or failings or disappointments. I dont need anybodys pity or sympathy. I am a level headed person. I can keep my calm. I cant pretend. I am not short tempered. I dont like people agitating me and I dont as well. My anguish rises one at a time. When I am angry I want to be left alone. I can forgive and forget. I dont like giving reference about the past while fighting and want my partner to be like that. I practice what I preach. I despise gossiping. There are too many positive things people can indulge themselves in other than trying to find faults in others. It is a very lowly act. I would rather make peace than war. I dont make comparison between two people. I accept them as individuals. I love to laugh and can be happy by little things that life has to offer. I believe that we have only one life to live, live with no regrets. One should accept life as it comes. Life itself is a celebration, so make best use of it when we can and dont wait when it will be gone! I fancy in living my life other than existing. With all its torments, disappointments and failings, i love this blessing called life. I love the raindrops, it seems that someone from above is sending drops of love so that we dont get astray and hopeless. The beautiful shining moon promises to lead the way through darkness. When the moon is not there the twinkling stars assures us that we should never lose hope. In life we have two things one is our past and another one is dream about the future. As past is gone, we should keep that as a good memory and lessons which were learnt and start our journey for the future. If there will be no dreams, nothing will come true. Love is the most important thing in a person’s life. If we dont have love we will be demurred and become miserable and we will have insufferable pain. Will be in a state of living dead. In course of time we will be losing our soul. Our faculties will also be damaged. Love is the hope that keeps us going. It is a wonderful feeling that can even make a beast become a good human being. All the beautiful things and feelings that we carry in ourselves will be diminished if there is no love. Love is extremely important for me. I would literally do anything for love. I can climb the tallest mountain and swim through the deepest ocean if that is needed. I can give up my living smiling in the name of love. I wont be able to survive in a palace where there is no love. I will be more than happy to live in a cottage where there is abundance of love. I can strive, fight and go to any extent for it alone. Not everyone in this world is blessed with love. We only experience an abridged part of it. I am hopeful, that is why this relentless search for it. I love writing poems. I am very good in expressing my emotions in words. I love to stay fit. I cant stand being fat. That is why I look younger than my age. I swim, I walk and very careful about my food in take. I want a beautiful image of mine when I stand in front of the mirror. Public opinion matters to me. I am looking for a person who knows the art of living. Who knows how to live their lives to the fullest other than existing. Would accept life as it comes. She can be my guide when needed and an ardent and passionate lover as and when required. Life is all about taking risks and fighting for your dreams. If you think you are the right person, what are you waiting for get in touch with me? If nothing happens, we can always be friends. Nothing in life is wasted. Everything that happens for a reason and everyone we come across, is also for a reason. A little poem of my own For you like a fig i am waiting, With a candle in my hand in the thorough fare, A tree awaiting forever for its perfect traveller; You are not coming, You are not coming: How many thousand years would you take for coming??
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 14:17:47 +0000

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