I am a law enforcement officer. As a law enforcement officer we - TopicsExpress


I am a law enforcement officer. As a law enforcement officer we should be veiwed as gatekeepers of the community, not overseers. Their are good people as well as bad in every vocation in life. This is the ultimate tragity because a life was lost. Although I do not like to play Monday Morning Quarterback this was a despicable act of civility. It became totally out control because no one was listening to his cries for help. No one was brave enough to say,Enough. Even EMS failed, although it did not appear he was breathing and they claim he was, they left him their without CPR or the other option, give him oxygen. That was a symptom they were all aware of because he cried out several times he could not breath and I did not hear one officer relay that to EMS. Our society has become corrupt in more ways than one. We cry out when we are personally affected and look away at the expense of convenience. We must all look at ourselves and our prejudices because as long as we tolerate hate it will continue to rear its ugly head. May this young man rest in Peace and justice prevail.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 23:28:07 +0000

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