I am a living witness that if you are brave enough to dream it, it - TopicsExpress


I am a living witness that if you are brave enough to dream it, it can happen! Youve got to be determined that no matter what it takes, youre not going to stop. Youre not going to quit. Youre not going to give up until you make your dreams become a reality! Every day that you show up in your business....you are one step closer to making your dream become a reality. As you grow, as you develop, as you improve yourself...these new concepts start to come to you. The WHY has always been a part of my life...but when I made a decision to FOCUS, I was able to tap into that why the way I was never able to tap into it before. You have great dreams...dont let life punch you in your face when you wake up in the morning. Ive had my doubts, Ive had my struggles, Ive had my haters, Ive had MULTIPLE bad days and challenging moments but I NEVER QUIT! I dont need something external to motivate me, I find something deep within ME to motivate me because I know that I can! And I will! If success was easy, everybody would be successful. Most people are not willing to punch back and fight. Find your reason to wake up every day and go get it! Everybody has a dream...everybody has a goal...but when you write your WHY down... ...what your WHY does for you is tells you that you CANT quit, you CANT give up, you CANT stop!! You CANT Let your spouse down, you CANT let your children down.... Your problem is that you are too focused on your dreams and goals and youre not focused on you WHY WHY WHY! WHY do you want this? WHY do you get up in the morning? What makes a person AVERAGE? Their FOCUS! An AVERAGE person is focused on getting paid.....instead of being focused on the NEED you can meet (whether it be yours or someone elses). Change your concentration! -- What youre watching -- What youre reading -- What conversations youre having When you have a BIG WHY....you dont focus for just a week or a month...or a year. You focus on the 24 hours thats in front of you! Thats it! Now GO FOR IT! youtu.be/GJWIRyUAur8
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:38:03 +0000

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