I am a long time member of RBMC, from Jellystone forward. Perhaps, - TopicsExpress


I am a long time member of RBMC, from Jellystone forward. Perhaps, Tortoise racing the Hare would be an analogy correctly descriptive of our progress through the years. Observation over the years helps me in my evaluating board members. I have survived through good times and much bad in Riverbend. In the later years of the 80s we were in great danger of losing the facilities many had paid for through a plan to purchase, over a period of 20 years all elements belonging to Falling Waters Corp. We nearly lost those common areas we were purchasing over the inadequacies of those first boards. In the 90s, we landed on our feet. The utilities were turned off in the appropriate months, bills were paid, those members who did not pay had legal action and lose of privileges through no trespassing or other action. By the 2000s we were back to deceit and secret transactions, deals for friends and family. One must surely wonder what the members are going to do with this parade of boards who either used poor judgment or their board positions to better situations for themselves or others at our expense. For newer members the best advice to impart to you is to question their motives before voting and then proceed to watch them like a hawk if they are elected. At least those early boards had the excuse that they were ignorant as to how or if they should act in an ethical or acceptable manner. I fear that the only worth we have on this board are the two females, Ms. Bein and Ms. Reicher. The males, Misters Grimes, Mohler, Oltmann, Pendleton and Jackson seem to do little for transparency or trying to give members their rights. They appear, from the few that post, to care little about the needs of the membership as a whole or they never post. Impractical, unprofessional, unacceptable are all worthy adjectives of the little that can be attributable to these men. Mr. Grimes and Jackson, can you write? What are your achievements? Why should you be currently seated? Mr. Oltmann has, again, shown his true colors (dark and angry); Mr. Mohler it appears (black and blue); Mr. Pendleton sounds much like Mr. Oltmann and has been said to have other unpleasant habits not to be mentioned in polite society. Educate yourself as to the rights of a true board with voting members. You will then realize you have not acted in the best interest of this organization and its membership. --QT------------------------------------------------------------- Reply by email or visit quicktopic/50/H/vE95dxAyz9tE/m5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 23:00:24 +0000

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